Well it's a little misleading isn't it? For years the rate of British emmigration out of the country has been higher than immigration in, for example the infamous brain drain as we don't pay our most intelligent as much as the US etc. Even the projected rates of immigration from Eastern Europe say that people are planning to visit for a couple of years or so, and then go home. There's some interesting stuff on the National Office of Statistics web site which talks about how difficult it is to actually gain accurate statistics on emmigration and immigration precisely because many stays are shorter term in nature (including British students/workers etc having work placements etc abroad).
I'm not offended btw, I just find it really upsetting. Years ago someone told me my father should get back home where he came from because he's Jewish but it's a good argument to say I should get over it and I feel I have to be fair. Sometimes though, some things remind me of how awful that (and similar comments) made me feel and I feel that as the issue has been so polarised by our politicians its perhaps interesting to get another perspective on it.
Obviously it's a hot topic and everyone has their right to have their opinion on it, I'm not trying to say anyone is wrong. We do live in a democracy afterall - one of the great things about Britain!