I'm so tired...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I hardly sleep at night now, I am so restless. The littlest thing wakes me up, and I pee a few times a night. :( Does anyone else have this problem? Is there any way I can soothe it a little?
its getting to me too , was up again every hour or so last night , and tbh i feel too exhausted to drive today and driving is a huge part of my job :roll: ive no idea how to sleep better , i was a bad sleeper before and use to pop a nytol once in a while but cant now and seem stuck in a rutt of not sleeping :sleep:
Same here. :( Can barely get 2 hours in a row anymore.
I'm sleeping ok at the moment, haven't even got up in the night for the loo the past few days.
I still feel like I've hardly slept when I wake up though. Have fell asleep on James bed several times when I've been putting him to bed :lol:
I have been shattered through the day, but I have been deliberately staying awake and avoiding naps so that by 9pm I am out for the count until 7am.
It is ok to do that now whilst I am hols, but I know when I go back to work next week I will be desperate for a sleep as soon as I get in.
Wow, I guess I am not doing so bad, then! I usually sleep from around 12 to seven - this morning it was 5:30, though.
hehehe i have a secret weapon to me sleep once im asleep im fine but getting to sleep was a huge problem it was taking me anything till 5am to drop off.
till my hubby starting singing 5 little speckled frogs to me :D
its a oem i learnt at school when i was tiny all he does is sing it twice and im gone for the world
manda xx
Yeah my sleepy pattern is everywhere atm!

Try napping though the day, we need this rest now...

Our beanies are being quite norty recently!
Yeah, no kidding! I was up since five AGAIN today. :cry:
2 hours at once at the most , think last ngiht i was up at 12 , 1 , 3 and 5 , hubby got up just after that so didnt go back to sleep and got up myself . im sure i onyl feel as bad as i do due to no sleep
I have a bit of a nap/lie down when Mel does at midday because at night I am up to the loo at least three times and am very restless. This is before the discomfort of the bump too! I ended up with 8 cushions under me last time! I'd forgotten this.... :wall:


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