Im so pleased with my little girl


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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She really has taken too food really well, and today polished off a whole jar of savory and half a jar of porridge.

And she smiles all the way through her dinner,stuffs her hands in her mouth and holds the spoon and laughs while im wiping her mush! I love this weaning lark - shes priceless :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I need some advice though, when would you offer finger food though?
:cheer: Go Imogen :cheer:

I'm not 100% cos I haven't started weaning Jack yet but from what I've read you should start giving finger foods at 6 months as this is when their gagging reflex kicks in allowing them to bring food back up if the shove it down their throats too quickly :D
Brilliant! thanks sweetcheeks - so two months to go to load up on carrots etc and yummy crisps for her to stuff in her mouth!
I started Austin on finger foods at about Imogen's age. Only rice cakes and the occasional gluten-free rusk to start with, then soft fruits like pear & melon. He coped fine.
Were they the really small rice cakes? did you have to show him how to put him in his mouth etc, sorry about all the questions but i want imogen to be a good eater - stephen couldnt eat finger foods till he was was 2 1/2 but thats because he has development problems.
Yay clever girl Imogen :cheer: :cheer:

Sorry dont know about food stuff yet :wink: :hug:
Well done Imogen! :cheer: Cant wait till ill start weaning Daniel :angel:
Aawww bless her, so great to hear she's doing so well with her food fun :cheer: :hug: :cheer: Isaac's more fussy but finger foods he will eat which I think Imogen could try would be slices of mango, cucumber strips or boiled carrot strips, anything really you feel comfortable letting her try, as long as its OK for a 4month old, obviously, but you knew that..Isaac never liked the rice cakes, but the Organix range seems quite popular, very best wishes Imogen and Mummy :cheer: :hug:
Thanks girls :D have had a really good day with her on food today, shes had 2 meals today so thats a whole jar of sweet and a whole jar of creamy porridge stuff.

Shes been having cow and gate food and yes its pricy but I think Il keep her on it as shes doing so well.

And shes had a bit of milk and a 5oz bottle before bed tonight and was asleep in seconds so she must be happy with it.

Did you have to you the food in the babies mouths for them though, or did they grasp the food themselves?

Im just asking as Imogen is taking a real interest in her food and grabs the spoon while shes eating so im hoping she will b okay, is this a good sign?
:rotfl: :rotfl: I put sweet - muppet I meant to put savory! she loves her orchard chicken whatever the heck it is lol
mrs_tommo22 said:
Were they the really small rice cakes? did you have to show him how to put him in his mouth etc, sorry about all the questions but i want imogen to be a good eater - stephen couldnt eat finger foods till he was was 2 1/2 but thats because he has development problems.

Sorry, only just seen this.

Austin started putting EVERYTHING in his mouth at around 4 months so when I gave him food he put in in straight away! I used to give him half of a large rice cake (you can get them with no added salt) as it was easier for him to hold. As he got older he could manage smaller pieces of food, and now loves the Organix apple flavoured rice cakes. I did have to put the food into his hand at first but he didn't need any help putting it in his mouth! We used to sit him in his bumbo when he ate.

Has Imogen got teeth? I used to really worry about Austin biting off chunks and choking but he's only really gagged. He did choke once but coughed it up quite quickly. You just have to be sensible about it, as long as you never leave her eating on her own she'll be fine. And if she does gag or choke it's all part of her learning how to eat.

If she keeps grabbing the spoon, try giving her her own spoon to hold while you feed her. With Austin I quite often need 3 spoons and alternate as he grabs them!

It sounds like you and Imogen are doing fantastic! Well done :hug:
No theres no teeth yet or even tooth buds, just all gummy still :D Im going to give her a rice cake and im gussing she will just suck it to death! :D
mrs_tommo22 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: I put sweet - muppet I meant to put savory! she loves her orchard chicken whatever the heck it is lol

Dan LOVES that bloody orchard chicken too! I used to buy it when I was tricking him into eating savory as it's quite sweet. I still buy him the odd pot as a 'treat!' now :lol:
She absolutely loves the cow and gate range, im not swopping to any other brands! I thought that orhard chicken was minging but she liked it all the same.

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