
Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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went to the job centre today and they told me i could off claimed the £500 sure start maternity thingy but cos keeley's too old by three days i can't!!!!

but when i went when i was pregnant they told me i wasn't entitled to it

do job centres do any work!!!!!
oh they do lots of work hun, mainly coming up with new ways to mess people about!

You can complain and appeal, start with a telephone call asking to speak to the supervisor of the department who dealt with you, and if you get no joy there ask for the name of thier superior and write them a letter.

Call every day with the same complaint and dont give in!


Ive had no end of problems with them in the past and am so so glad im out of all that shite now!
did get some good news tho i can get housing benefit and income support just got to find a landlord who takes housing benefit now :roll:
davina just noticed your from eastborne i'm there quite a bit my grandad lives in polegate
I'm the same with bloody tax credits. They wrote to me to say I wasnt entitled then I found out I actually was. Oh but they say I was no longer entitled under THAT claim (as a single parent) and I should have made a NEW claim as a couple. OK so lets get this straight, they WROTE and said sorry youre no longer entitled to childrens tax credits full stop. Nothing about making a NEW claim like I'm supposed to know!

So I complain, they say I havent given them my P60 details, they never asked and if they needed them why didnt they ask when I was on the phone? Not just that but its the tax office and surely they're privvy to my P60 details seeing as they set my tax allowance each year :?

Then they write to me again saying thank you for your call and your estmate of earnings. No it wasnt an estimate I gave them my P60 details. It asks me to contact them with my P60 details.... like I just said...

Oh forget it!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
i hate going there too... it's so fucking depressing :x

sorry hun.. but fight for your rights.. don't take it lying down :hug:

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