Im so angry and upset at the moment!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
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Im so angry the way everything has panned out of me in this pregnancy! I lost my job a month back as they said there wasn't enough work to keep my position. The the MD of the sister Company offered me a position in admin for less salery and as i and my partner need to find somewhere to live i took it on thinking it will help me for the next few months!

Told the boss's i was PG last week and guess what????? The MD now says that my monthly contract will not be renewed at the end of this month...So now i dont have a job! And i have noooo money! GREAT! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Ive been looking on the internet for Temp jobs in my area but nothing i can see seems to be A. Suitable or B. Something that i have no experience in....Hence i am starting to show so thats not helping either.......

I wish i could just do a simple job like cleaning or something but im sure the products wouldn't be good to work with allday! Do any of you ladies know any good job websites??????

Sorry to go on, but i feel that i just cant take all this anymore! :cry:
Just a thought, but did the MD say that the new job offered to you would be on a month to month contract? Just sounds like you may have a case for unfair dismissal!!!
Yeah they said it would be a contract that would be renewed every month but as the contract is verbal i don't think i can do anything about it as they could turn around and say something that works in their favour! :(
Emma is it possible you could have a chat with the HR department about your situation? Maybe they could keep you on a couple of months longer till you find something else or just till your maternity leave starts.

Also, check your rights with the CAB. Although it sounds pretty much like they have all the options they still appear to be discriminating against you on account of the pregnancy.

I hope you can get another job soon. It's really rough being treated like this. :hug:

I had something similar a while ago and aparently verbal contracts are legally binding and it is up to the employer to prove otherwise not you ( so it is in our favour) I would contact the CAB and discuss and unfair dismissal or sexual discrimination case
I think if you can prove that they let you go because you were pregnant that you would have a case of sexual discrimination.

The problem is that it is hard to prove as they could just say they didn't have enough work any more. But maybe you can find out if they took on anyone else after they let you go as that would then prove they had discriminated against you.

I would definitely speak to CAB and get some proper advice.

In the mean time, your best bet is probably just to register with as many temp agencies as possible - as you say, cleaning products probably aren't that good at the mo, but admin or reception work or something should be fine.

Also, I know it's not a lot of money, but as long as you've paid a certain amount of national insurance, you will still be entitle to maternity allowance while you're off on mat leave, which is better than nothing

Good luck xxx :hug:

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