I'm sick with worry...


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Hi all,

I know this probably isnt the right section and i also posted it in the finances section but I just want as many people as I can to voice their opinions and any help possible..

I am sick with worry and don't know where to turn. My mum has been paying my car insurance since I was 17 (lucky i know) and has suddenly decided to stop, which is fine i am 21 and independant now and need to do things alone. although i have searched around and found quotes for like 180 a month.

I earn 850 a month as a receptionist & am entitled to maternity pay but my money doesnt seem to stretch far enough for me let alone a baby :sad:

My outgoings at the moment are :

£250 for rent - which by the way, is for a place I can no longer stay once the baby is born

£140 on debts i stupidly racked up when i was 18 - i used to pay 100 but i am trying to clear this before the baby is born

£36 on my phone bill - I realised i was spending more on pay as you go then on a contract

£50 a month on food shopping

on top of this, car insurance is going to cost me £180.00 which leaves me just shy of £200 a month to live on alone let alone with a baby. I am so worried about where I am going to live and what I am going to do. There is no way I will find a place where the rent is as cheap as what im paying now. Asking parents to help is not an option. & my boyfriend is a university student, he is entitled to benefits which he says will go straight to me and the baby but even with this I still worry it wont be enough. As I am working, I feel as though I may not be entitled to a house through the council. It seems nowadays that you need to have 9 different kids by 9 different dads and no job to get anywhere.

Im so worried :sad:

Please advise whatever you can, thanks so much
Hi ya, I work full time and have two children from the same dad but I still managed to get a housin association house! Surely there is a cheaper quote out there or sell the car you have for one thats cheaper to insure? There must be cheaper accomadation out there and you should put your name down on the housing list
Thats good news to hear!

FYI the seperate dads thing has no relevance. I was just relating it to a girl i know who has everything and just keeps popping them out :(

I have filled out the housing form, but I am waiting for my next meeting with the midwife so that I can get a certain form i need from her? to prove that I am pregnant. (mat1?) or something along those lines.
How long were you on the list for before you got a place?

Thanks Lovely x
Not too long to be fair, a long time a go now, I was pregnant with my first who is now 8. Think we moved when I was six months pregnant. I had to get one of those and take it in. Good luck,
Tasha x
A glimmer of hope. thanks so much xx
I'm sure you'll get help with Tax credits won't you?

We get only £40 per month in Tax Credits and I earn £20k and my OH earns £18,500. I called them and asked if I send them my maternity payment schedule, will my payments be adjusted and they said there will always be an adjustment if the income has changed. I will let you know what they say but there is always a way.

I'm leaving work 11 weeks before my due date and i'm not stressing about money one little bit to be honest. We're far from rolling in it but things will work out even if you can't see it yet. May not be the most constructive advice but i'm too happy about little munchkin to let money sour things at the second!

Hope it works out, im sure it will

I know how worrying money can be!!

I am off work due to my health problems (depression etc) and have been for the past 2 years so everything falls on hubby, to be fair he does earn a good living but it does not stretch all that far as we are both in debt so trying to pay that, rent, bills and living etc it all adds up but I am trying not to let the money side of things worry me as if this bubba sticks it will be a tremendous gift and we will some how work it all out.
You will get money from benefits to help look after the baby and there will be more help out there if you are really struggling. :hugs:
£180 per month in car insurance is absolutely ridiculous surely, why is it so high - do you have loads of points or have you had recent accidents that were your fault, or do you drive a big engined car?
honestly hun, it prob seems scary but u WILL manage... at the end of the day "they cant take the knickers off a bare arse" and all that! first of all if uve been driving that length of time ur insurance is outrageous?! check www.gocompare.com and www.comparethemarket.com . ull defo get housing exec house as technically if u and ur oh live separately ur classed as single?? xxx
£180 a month for car insurance is a lot :shock: I pay £360 a year, I would shop around lol
You must have a pretty sporty car to be paying that. Unbelievable amount!! I pay about £50 a month car insurance!
I must say, your much better off than I am, my maternity just covers outgoings. No spare money at all, especially since maternity pay is £124.88 a week! I am well well tight for money. I know we get roughly £20 a week child benefit, and tax credits of some form, not entirely sure hoe much. My income is only £11500 a year which is bugger all! So don't worry, if I think I might be able to manage, you certainly will! X
You must have a pretty sporty car to be paying that. Unbelievable amount!! I pay about £50 a month car insurance!
I must say, your much better off than I am, my maternity just covers outgoings. No spare money at all, especially since maternity pay is £124.88 a week! I am well well tight for money. I know we get roughly £20 a week child benefit, and tax credits of some form, not entirely sure hoe much. My income is only £11500 a year which is bugger all! So don't worry, if I think I might be able to manage, you certainly will! X

your not living with your partner are you? if not you should be ok with tax credits hun and help with child care i did when i was on your wage xx
£180 per month in car insurance is absolutely ridiculous surely, why is it so high - do you have loads of points or have you had recent accidents that were your fault, or do you drive a big engined car?


its because ive always been a named driver and havent built up any no claims. I know massively rediculous but I have tried every insurer and they are all that or more! :(
Wow I just started my own policy (I'm 20) and have driven for 3 years as a named driver, I have a 1.6 04 Renault megane and I paid upfront 500 for the year, if i wanted it monthly it was an extra £100 and that's with no no claims. Try admiral. X
Wow I just started my own policy (I'm 20) and have driven for 3 years as a named driver, I have a 1.6 04 Renault megane and I paid upfront 500 for the year, if i wanted it monthly it was an extra £100 and that's with no no claims. Try admiral. X

wow that is good!

I will, thanks!
I just used admiral and got £1,321 for the year. :(
hey hun
firstly try not to worry, Im sure you will cope just fine for money :) dont stress out about it

as for the insurance ....bloody hell thats expensive lol
What car do you drive?
im sure you must be able to get it down a bit...or if its down to the car maybe its time for a change :)
hey hun
firstly try not to worry, Im sure you will cope just fine for money :) dont stress out about it

as for the insurance ....bloody hell thats expensive lol
What car do you drive?
im sure you must be able to get it down a bit...or if its down to the car maybe its time for a change :)

i only drive 1.2 polo twist :( I don't understand why its so expensive. My mum owns it but even when I put that I own it it still comes out really expensive
ok well in that case thats just madness

I know my first year of insurance when I was 18 was about a grand.
Maybe you will just have to try and cope with it this year as its the first year of having your own policy and hopefully it will drop dramatically next year

Have you tried calling a few places, or going to an insurance broker, just thinking if you could speak to someone they might be able to take in to account the number of years you have been driving even tho you dont have any no claims?
Just a thought but what do you currently pay?
Would your Mum be willing to keep things the way they are and you pay HER the money?

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