Im ready.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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I m/c on the 19th :cry: iv been using OPKs & HPTs since the day after so i could see what was happening with my hormones. i have been geting BFN, but the last few days i have been getting a slight line (on the OPK, im not using HPTs now since my line went), does anyone know when you Ov after having m/c? i heard your most fertile right after. i think this is the only way im going to be able to cope with my loss, not that im trying to replace my baby but i think dragging this out is really killing me and putting me into depression i just want to get on with things :( . yesterday i stropped bleeding so i think this is really what we want. Everybody knows that we are trying because we told people the baby was planned, i just want to feel sickness again and the happiness of carrying my child. does anybody understand? and comments greatly apprechiated x thankyoux
:hug: :hug:

I'm sorry I can't offer you any advice re ttc after a m/c but wanted to wish you well.
hey there

Glad you are feeling brave enough to join us again. Ive not been in your situation before and can only imagine what an awful time you have been having and I send you lots of :hug:s

I dont know much about TTC after loss however there have been a few ladies on here recently who have managed to conceive again straight after a m/c so hopefully that will give you some encouragement.

Lots of luck hun

x x x
I totaly understand...I had my D&C 3 weeks ago today...I lost my symptoms soon after and I just wanta feel PG again. Its heartbreaking it really is.

Good luck I hope you get that BFP soon too! :hug:
Hi :wave:

I unfortunatley had a mc at about 6 and a half weeks on the 31st of Jan. The bleeding began on the 28th and lasted till about the 3rd of feb and I have my first AF now, it started 4 days ago, which was 3 and a half weeks after mc. I suppose I must have ov'd the week after my mc.
yes i know EXACTLY how you are feeling.
I m/c'd at the end of Dec, and got my bfp almost a month after i started bleeding.

This baby looks like it's here to stick, i've seen the heartbeat and everything looks good.

People said to me not to try so quickly again, because i had a mc in Oct and had my baby in the June, so it was a lot of pregnancies in a short amount of time, but I knew that I just had to try for another baby.

and i know i'm carrying a special one. This baby is gonna be famous i can feel it :rotfl:
try not to let people bother you about ttc again so soon, if you feel it is the right thing to do, i knew it was for me, then go for it!!

good luck and i hope you catch that eggy really soon!
i know that this is what i want but im just so scared it will happen again.. thankyou for understanding girls. x

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