I'm having pains...


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Don't know what they are...

Been having them all morning, a bit like period pain, it keeps coming and going, it's a bit like ''needing a number 2'' pain aswell but ive already been twice this morning :shock: I don't think I need another. It's just above my pubic bone, really low down and it aches, anyone know what it could be? My mum's told me to time the pains as it could be slow labour?

I also feel sick aswell :?
Ooooooooooohhh how exciting Jade! I hope it is slow labour!! :wink:
Wow sounds like something is happening for you Jade :cheer:

My friends said she felt sick on the day she went into labour and felt like she needed a poo all the time :cheer: lol normaly I wouldnt be excited about those two things but knowing that they could be a sign of labour id be dancing around the room :lol:
Ooo I hope so, the pains have gone now, I hope they come back lol...

Not very often you hear someone saying 'I want pain' But 'I WANT MY BABY NOWWWW' :twisted:
Oooooohh!! I hope it is labour starting for you!! :cheer:

(not that Im wishing pain on you or anything! :lol: )
Jade89 said:
Don't know what they are...

Been having them all morning, a bit like period pain, it keeps coming and going, it's a bit like ''needing a number 2'' pain aswell but ive already been twice this morning :shock: I don't think I need another. It's just above my pubic bone, really low down and it aches, anyone know what it could be? My mum's told me to time the pains as it could be slow labour?

I also feel sick aswell :?

yeah ive been having these sorts pains for a week or so now jade. Not nice. i susptect your babies heads engaged and is quite low as thats what i was toldwhen i moaned to my midwife.
Take some paracetamol if it gets too bad. :hug:
ooh all exciting hopefully babies nestling right down ready for labour good luck hun xxxxxxx
yea it sounds like someone else is gonna have their bubba before me

**fall on hands and knees and has mini break down**


good luck jeade89 :hug: :hug: love you really
Hope you're feeling a bit more comfy, Jade.

How are things progressing?

Anyone heard from Jade? Don't think she's been on for a little while :think:

Still here, not had any since but been feeling really uncomfy and my feet, ankles and legs are all swollen, I have cankles :x Cant even get my feet in my trainers properly :(

Bottom of my tummy feels very tight but i'm not building my hopes up.

Had a spicy chicken pizza earlier, fed up of curry lol...don't know how much longer my poor pelvis is gonna last either :wall:
Thats how my labour started properly, lots of tummy cramps and pooing in the morning (TMI sorry!!), thought I had a stomach ache, the contractions died down, then they came back with a boom and my waters broke! Good luck hun, I hope it's time. :)

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