Im having a baby whale!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Hi guys,

So as I mentioned in a thread previously I have a 36 week growth scan today as im measuring 39cm at 36 weeks! Super nervous and anxious about what they might say.

Looking forward to seeing baby just hope shes doing well in there!

I know this is a bit of a pointless thread just thought it would make me feel better to write it down!

Hope all mums and bumps are doing well!

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Good luck hun...let us all know how you get on :) xx
thanks :)

a bit poo... baby is fine shes just massive... measuring 41 weeks and 1 day and her tummy is measuring 44 weeks!

Been in hospital all day being tested for diabetes. got to go back on thurs to talk about a possible c section/ early induction as she is already over 9 pounds!

Hope your all well and thanks for the msgs :)

At least she is fine that is good news! :) and as of tomorrow your technically full term so if they do bring her out early then she will be fully cooked!!!!
I hope your diabetes tests come back ok, although they reckon it disappears once the baby is born so you wouldnt have it for much longer anyway fx

I have to go for a growth scan next wed as I am measuring 3 cm bigger, I am praying it is more because I had a belly before being pregnant than being a larger baby as I still have quite a few weeks to go :shock:

good luck with your apt on Thurs x
Thank you,

Tests came back normal which is good so i'll see what they say tomorrow.

Aww it is nice to see them once more before they are born though... However baby was so big we couldnt see much because nothing would fit on the screen!

Good luck with your scan too!

Congrats on your tests being ok, its one less thing to worry about! I must admit I'm secretly glad about the extra scan as I've really wanted to see him again, 20 weeks seems so long ago!!! Was there much detail? Or are they too pudgy to get a good face shot??
i felt the same way!

we had a growth scan at 32 weeks and we could see slightly more than we could at the last scan (36) She managed to show us babies heartbeat and one of her feet but to be honest they concentrated more on taking the measurements so we only really got to see the circumfurence of her head and tummy and one of her thigh bones.

At 36 weeks we couldnt really see anything because she was just too big!

It can be slightly more uncomfortable when they scan you later on... i was worried she would be hurting the baby because by golly it was sore on my tummy. But baby seemed to be quite happy wriggling around in there!

Let me know how your scan goes :)

I am dreading my 34 week appointment as i was measuring 2 cm more at last one. I can tell he is a big boy, I had mini GTT and that was negative as well, wasnt overweight either when i got PG. Can it be just large baby?

I hope you have answers soon and the main things is that she is fine
knopk@ im no expert but i think it can just be a large baby. At 32 weeks i had a mixture of alot of baby and a lot of water so you could just be carrying a bit of extra water. My mw said that some ladies will measure larger all the way through and sometimes it can be that there is nothing unusual with size of baby or the amount of water and that everybody carries their baby differently. It seems however that baby girl has gobbled all of the water up and so now im all baby!

Thanks for your msgs :)


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