Im going to kill some one!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Theres a guy that sits about 5 desks away from me and hes so loud. He's that loud that when he talks his face goes red and everything. He talks crap non-stop all day and even when i turn around (hes sat behind me) and give him dirty looks he doesnt even realise hes doing something wrong. Every one comments on how loud he is and i go home with a head ache every day! To top it off hes bought a f'ing coffee grinder and hes useing it ever dinner time!! :evil: :evil:

:roll: im going to kill him i swear.

:hug: ahh that feels so much better getting it off my chest. :rotfl:
Just straight up tell him to quiet it down. If he doesn't, time to be less tactful and tell him he looks like a fucking tomato when he does it. :twisted:
You can kind of tell where my mind is, can't you. :oops:
There are 2 gobs-on-sticks in my office too...why they have to talk so bloody loud is beyond me...and the ringtones on their mobiles get right on my sore oversized t*ts :evil:

...and then there's the guy at the next desk to me who insists on having a cafetiere coffee at his desk everyday which he allows to sit on his desk for at least 10 mins to brew and it totally stinks out my area :puke: it used to have me running to the toilet everyday when I had morning sickness
eurgh annoying people.
loud people.
slap him throw soemthing at him
get a pea shooter or a spud gun :evil:

we've got a girl like that in our office and I named her yapper, it stuck as well as half the people in the office call her it :oops: We've also got a guy like that too, he's got no brains and I'm sure he's a virgin
Babylicious said:
he's got no brains and I'm sure he's a virgin


This guy probably is too.

People say stuff like 'hes right loud' and 'i wish he'd shut up' and hes sat right there and he doesnt even realise there talking about him :? Its just non stop crap all day! he was on about lady boys last week and aparently he goes to see them and stuff :lol: as if youd shout that about. :rotfl:
sounds like a freak, I'm quite up front and would have to go and take the p1ss out of him. I'm a bit of a jester at work :oops:

I dare you to ask him if he has moobs :rotfl:
grrr..I know what you mean- theres a guy I work with who drums on the desk with 2 pens all day, I get so stressed I could scream!!! :evil:

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