I'm falling apart!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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(sorry for all of the posts today but I have so much to say! :D )

Well, been to see doc today with my DS as he's not been too well, decided as I was there I would have a moan that my nose is still constantly blocked now and has been for the last 14 weeks! :shock: :evil:

Walked out with....

I have a large polyp up the right hand side of my nose which is why I can't breathe! :evil: Can't do much about that at the mo!

I have a chest infection so got some antibios!

He thinks I may have asthma! :shock: have to see how my chest and breathing goes!

He thinks I may also have a UTI

Oh and we think DS has a dairy allergy so have to keep him away from dairy products... he's a little upset :(

We're falling apart!
awww my dear!!!!
bloody 'ell - thats all you need!! - i hope you a speedy recovery with you chest infection ans nose :) :hug:
rachelandjarvis said:
awww my dear!!!!
bloody 'ell - thats all you need!! - oh i hope you speedy recovery with you chest infection ans nose :)

thank you :hug:
Oh my god!!!!! Don't ever go to the doctors again.......thats so unlucky :(
Oh bless :hug:

Think we're going to have to put you in isolation!!! :lol: Seriously tho, I hope you are feeling okay today.......... :hug:
Awwwwwwwww poor you! But, it's good if you do have asthma to get it picked up, that way you can start treating it really soon and feel loads better! As your dr probably said allergies run in families, so if one of you has an allergic condition, its more likely that the other does... Maybe the anti-biotics for your chest will help with your uti as well? Put yourself on cranberry juice as well and lots of water, it's helped me loads :D I had a uti, but symptoms after I'd finished the anti-biotics but lots of water and cranberry juice have helped loads, and my pee was clear at my MW check-up (sorry if TMI :oops: ). tc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:shock: only one thing for it - we will have to put you down!!!!!!!

Horrid news though, what a bloomin' nightmare, you are remaining very upbeat though which is a good sign!

Hope you start to feel better sending you gigantic hugs!! :hug:

p.s. 6 days to go, 6 days to go, da da da da da da 6days to go :cheer: x
missac said:
:shock: only one thing for it - we will have to put you down!!!!!!!

Horrid news though, what a bloomin' nightmare, you are remaining very upbeat though which is a good sign!

Hope you start to feel better sending you gigantic hugs!! :hug:

p.s. 6 days to go, 6 days to go, da da da da da da 6days to go :cheer: x

Carry on then, i won't put up a fight!

That's the thing that keeps me tick tick ticking along! :cheer:
oh what a day you had!! so sorry to hear you feeling grotty, hope you feel better very very soon :hug:
Oh dear what a rubbish visit to the docs u had!
Hope ur feeling better soon and hope ur DS isnt allergic to dairy!!

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