I'm bleeding..


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I'm randomly bleeding :roll: i just had a period 2weeks ago. any ideas what it could be??
i had spotting after a period last cycle and when i went to the docs he said as long as it wasn't fresh blood then its fine.

Is your fresh blood? if so i would speak to your doctor hun.
it's was more like fresh blood but was spotting. What can cause spotting?
Are you on the pill? If so maybe you're on the wrong brand?

My mum keeps spotting and they've taken her off of the pill to do some blood tests, haven't said what they think it is though :?
I was on Yasmin pill but I havent taken it again after my 7day break because it was making me have bad headaches. I've got a persciption for a new pill. This is very strange for me though - I never ever spot between periods, even when I am on the pill. It's gone today i think but i feel a bit crampy

Hmm says these are the causes of spotting! Really narrows it down :D

Normal ovulation
Vaginal infection
Bladder infection
Cervix infection
Uterine infection
Endometrial infection
Uterine polyps (type of Uterus conditions)
Cervical dysplasia
Uterine cancer
Cervical cancer
Hormonal imbalance
Certain oral contraceptives
Can't offer any advice, but I do hope that it doesn't cause you too much worry!! Get it checked out - must just be the type of contraception. :wink:

Emilia xx
ok now it's turned into a period ... :?

I just wanted to check with you ladies to be on the safe side. My grandma died of cerival cancer when my mam was 21 so I feel like I need to double check stuff) x
If you are anything like me at worrying, then this will be a huge concern for you. With a holiday around the corner, get it checked out in order to have peace of mind.

I use to go to a Well Womans Clinic - they were always great and super fast at getting results. Is there one near you?

If there is a family history of cancer, you should be required to visit a gynea more frequent than usual. It's an unpleasant thought... I know! BUT.... you're just going to fret and worry. I think you're on a pill that's not agreeing with you, but we don't want to speculate, hey?

Sending you a hug :hug: .... make a call and get it checked out. What about NHS direct - are they likely to give advice on that?

Emilia xx
I find that they always send you straight to hospital! I'm due a smear so i'll arrange that. they don'f give me extra checks though - i'll have to mention it to them incase they aren't aware! x
:( My mums auntie died last year of ovarian cancer having suffered from cervical cancer. Guess that's why they're doing so many tests on my mum :(
I'm glad they are taking it seriously with your mum. Both me and my sis have been arguing for ages with health workers to get some sort of monitoring as my mum died at the age of 36 with ovarian cancer, which is very young. They have said that unless another close blood realtive from my mums side gets ovarian cancer they will not screen us, so thats either me or my sis to get it before the other one gets screened (she has already had an ovary removed because of a benign cyst) :wall:

ToriElla try not to worry too much hun, it is scary but with cancer there is normally other symptoms too. It could be becasue the hormones from starting and stopping the pill have messed up your cycle. Go and chat to your Dr so they can put your mind at ease :hug: xxxx
God that's awful Beanie! :shock: :hug: I asked my mum today if that was why they were doing tests and she seemed shocked, whoops! She gets some blood test results back on Friday but she said that her last smear was clear :? She had two benign lumps removed from her breast earlier this year so I wonder if the spotting is to do with the stress of that.

Sorry for hijacking OP.
I'd try not to worry too much hun, like someone said it's probably to do with your pill. You said you didn't take it again maybe it's time for your body to have a natural period rather than one triggered by the pill?

My auntie had cancer of the womb and she bled but like loads. She'd soak everything with blood and wake up in the night in pools of it so if the bleeding is just like a period I wouldn't worry yourself! But if you're really worried I'd just check with the doctor to be sure! :hug:

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