I'm back online but I'm leaving you all :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Hi girls,

Just little ole me here... the stanger who's not been around in weeks! I tell ya, being at work was definitely the better option than taking early leave and early maternity! At least I could spend all day sitting on my backside behind a desk talking to you ladies all day!
My life is only just starting to slow down. I finished work on the 14th June..... 3 weeks ago, and just this afternoon I've managed to grab a few hours to myself. I thought I'd treat myself and do my nails as they're disgusting and I normally have perfect nails... that's just how busy I am. But instead, I thought bugga it. They can wait, I need to get on here and catch up. However I've only just realised that I'm now off to tri 3... I'm 27 weeks today!!!!! :shock: Eeeeek!! Where is the time going!!

In the 3 weeks I've been offline here, I've had to take care of my 93 yr old Granda who fell and is now critcal in hospital and also find a care home for my Nana who has alzhiemers and has the same convo with you after every 5 mins and they live a good 30-45 mins aways so doing quite a bit of driving at the moment. I've also moved house.... bloody tiring work when you baby cooking!!! And to top off the list of stress my car was broken into last week at the old house just before we moved.
Life is on fast forward and I don't know where all the time is going!

So anyhooo. I'm going to try and get a read on these posts I've missed out and go pop my head into tri 3!!!!! Someone coming with me to hold my hand?

Hope you're all keeping well and bumps are cooking nicely!!

Missed you all a million xxxxxxxxx
Hi hunny lovely to see you on here and nice to see you are having some you time :D
Lots of luck in tri-3 :wave: although im happy for you im :( that your leaving us x x

Sorry to hear about your grandparents :( glad all is going well with your pregnancy, looking forward to meeting you in tri3! :wave: xx
Good luck with everything! I'll be looking out for your labour watch!
Good luck in Tri3 hun :wave:, All the best. xxx
Good to see you, was wondering how things were going, sounds like your on a fast roller coaster just now. Hope you get chance to relax a little more in tri 3, I'll see you over there in 3 weeks x
Wow, you have been busy. Hope things settle down for you and you manage to grrab a bit of 'me' time. Good luck in Tri 3, hopefully see you there soon xxx
All the best of luck and happiness. Sorry to hear about your grandparents x x
Sorry to hear you've been so busy, hope Tri3 will be the sign of things slowing down for you.
I should be cleaning the kitchen and the bathroom but I'm tired and it's hot so I'm just going to put my feet up and read a pregnancy book instead. Hope you get the time to do the same xx
Hey hun! I've been off of here for a bit too but on holiday so can't say I've been hugely busy :-s
I am so sorry to hear about your grandparents, that must be sooo tough- hope things settle down and improve now!

Good luck in tri-3! I should be over to join you in about a week!......and btw I totally agree with not being ready for thoughts of labour......scary!!!!

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