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I'm a second Tri Newbie too!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Well i made it through first tri! Have suffered with the most awful morning sickness, which has kind of subsided in the last week to about every other day. Now I feel kind of unpregnant, because I feel normal :roll:
Although I do get the odd twinge when i move suddenly, and I am still craving Wotsits :rotfl:

I am 27, expecting my first and not quite sure if I'm going it alone or not... (OH a bit of a loony! :rotfl: )

I am seriously considering a gender scan at 16 weeks - becasue I just wanna know so bad!! :D

Anyway, its great to be here!

Piglet xx
Hi Pigletpoo,

I came over from 1st tri this morning too :cheer:

I thought about getting a gender scan done privately because I really want to know too but decided against it as I have my 20 week scan at 19 weeks anyway which is only 6 weeks away :cheer: :cheer:

Hey Jools, Its getting exciting now! Who do you reckon will have their baby first? Me , you or KJ? lol :rotfl:

When we get to third Tri the race will be on! :D

Piglet xx
Hi Piglet,

good to see you here. Nice to be in the 'safer' stage isn't it? I'm definitely worrying less although that's still a lot!

Hi Pigletpoo

welcome to tri 2. Sorry the OH is still being a loon, I remember the saga from tri 1!! :hug:

why piglet poo by the way? I often wonder why people choose their user names?
Welcome to you all girlys , i was new over last week and so happy to be in the safer stage, but been told this one goes so quickly, we will all be in trimester 3 before we know it !!

Welcome again :hug:
Hey topbird - piglet poo is the name of one of my jack russells - although she is just known as Pig now! It seemed like a good idea at the time and it has just kinda stuck.... As for my OH - he will always be a loon! :rotfl:
I have to laugh about it, else I'd be crying all the time!

There is going to be a big babyboom in September me thinks... we were all very busy around Chrismas last year!

Piglet xx
Ok, my guess is:-

Me first then Pigletpoo then KJ...what do you think?

Well I am so hoping to have my baby a bit early! lol Obviously at a safe stage - but I'll be eating lots of hot curries, jumping around and hopefully lots of nookie from about 35 weeks to try and get the bubs to get a wriggle on! :oops:

But knowing my luck it will have a reverse effect and I'll be 2 weeks late!
So I'm going for ME first, then KJ (she's a day ahead!) and then you snuggle! hahaha. Or we could go for a triple whammy and all have on the same day!

Piglet xx
You're probably right Piglet,

Snuggle (baby) will probably decide he/she cant be bothered to come out for a while and I will be last :roll: Do you think you're having a boy or girl?

KJ, are you finding out gender? What do you think you're having?

I think I'm having a girl but everyone else thinks its a boy xxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls,

we will definintely want to find out the gender. I have my 20 week scan booked for april 30th (I think without looking at my diary!).

I'm convinced it's a boy though! Don't know why just can see it being a girl. But I'll be happy with either.

I think I'll be a bit late, my EDD is the 12th, but I'll say the 18th.

Definitely a september boom, that's the month of my birthday aswell! And my wedding anniversary! And my parents wedding anniversary!!

Seems September is a great month for you KJ xxx
Welcome to tri 2 :hug:
I know what you mean about feeling unpregnant, i used to feel like that. You will soon experience a number of symptoms that nobody really talks about in pregnancy, mostly embarrasing of course :oops:
Hi and welcome to the 2nd Tri Pigletpoo. :lol:

I hope this trimester passes quickly and problem free for you.

Hello pigletpoo :wave:

I wish you lots of happy memories and fun in Tri2, it's a great place to be, best wishes :hug:

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