Im 3 days late and bfn..........


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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was due on friday and saturday had one pinkish spot when wiping (sorry tmi) and cramps nothing since only symtom i have now is
im feeling very sleepy towards the afternoon thats it. :sleep:
Has anyone had a bfp after a fews bfns im going to wait till next sunday and buy a digi clearblue just incase the witch decides to show up this week let you know of the outcome.

Good luck everyone with their bfps this month and lots of babydust to you all.
Did not want to read and run...has not happened to me but it could have been that maybe you had an IB? It could take a few days for the hormones to pick up after implantation! Test in a few more days if no AF with FMU. Fingers crossed hun!
I hope she stays away :pray: I'll be popping back to see how your getting on :rotfl:
lol i had a few neg tests when i was pregnant with my daughter 3 i think 1 being a doctor test, and guess what when i went for my 12 weeks scan i was 15 weeks :D i didn't get a bfp till i was 2 months
i hope the hag doesn't come good luck :D
I agree with sandee that it could of been IB and to test again in a few days with FMU. Everyone is different some get a BFP at 14dpo others have been 5-6 weeks gone before they find out.

Good Luck & Hope you get a BFP :pray: :pray:
could well have been an implantation bleed :pray: all the best xx
ooh it's never over until the wicked witch arrives, I will keep my fingers crossed.
i tested a couple of days after AF was due this time and got BFN, then i tested 4 days after AF was due and got a very faint BFP then a couple of days after that i got a stronger BFP so AF was nearly a week late before i got a proper BFP.
good luck hun :pray:
Thankyou for all the lovely replies ladies i never thought of impantation bleeding before you never know,knowing me its not my turn this month but hoping for the best.x

Psi'll keep posting if anything new happens.x
Good luck :hug:

I'm in a similar situation as in i'm 4 days late but BFN. We haven't TTC'd this month though so if I am it will be an immaculate conception :lol:

Really hope it turns into a BFP for you :hug:

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