If looks could kill.........


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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id be fooking dead haha, i just turned teletubies over by accident and OMFG the look Hope gave me was a proper evil eyes :rotfl:
as if to say how very dare you turn that off mummy :twisted: haha she makes me laugh shes happy again now
are teletubbies still going :shock: - eh o!!! :rotfl:
Hahahaha Olivia Loves Teletubbies too, She gets really excited when she see's the baby :D
yeah on cebeebies Budge, she just likes the teletubies on it, i found her waving bye to them when they were lol
its tthe one thing i can just stick on if i need peace and quiet :lol:
Arianna is like that with Bear in the big Blue House!! :cheer:
its tthe one thing i can just stick on if i need peace and quiet

Same with Olivia, She's Not Really Bothered About The TV Apart From that!

You Always Know When The Baby Has Come On As She Starts Shouting And Laughing Really Loud lol!

I Thought About Buying Her A DVD
i was thinking the exact same thing, might go down today and have a look for one :wink:
Whenever they come on here stephen calls then the bugger buggers and swtitches the tv over!

I know charming child i have raised!!!
SarahH said:
Arianna is like that with Bear in the big Blue House!! :cheer:

i love that show! :cheer:

I thought teletubies was banned because of the language and because one of them were gay? :shock:
They are meant to be toddler age themselves so am sure that their sexuality isn't going to be a defining factor lol. The gay thing came about as one of them carries a bag and as we all know that makes people gay :roll:

There have been complaints about the language, over concerns that it may impede language development. I think fair enough if they have no other interaction about from TV but most children speak with their parents and other children etc. Seren is in the baby group at nursery where all hre peers speak baby language and I can't see that being an issue for her seeing as she is a right chatterbox and is picking up new words all the time.

http://www.br-online.de/jugend/izi/engl ... ueller.htm
I dont even know why it was an issue anyway, even if he was gay, i doubt its going to effect children and its not like children have never seen gay people before. Its rediculas, i love teletubies. :hug:
jenna said:
I dont even know why it was an issue anyway, even if he was gay, i doubt its going to effect children and its not like children have never seen gay people before. Its rediculas, i love teletubies. :hug:

Completely agree. Though I am starting to get a bit fed up with Seren's Po doll which I have to put her shoes on every half hour and a bib so she can feed it. Its driving me mad.
beanie said:
jenna said:
I dont even know why it was an issue anyway, even if he was gay, i doubt its going to effect children and its not like children have never seen gay people before. Its rediculas, i love teletubies. :hug:

Completely agree. Though I am starting to get a bit fed up with Seren's Po doll which I have to put her shoes on every half hour and a bib so she can feed it. Its driving me mad.

Aww that is cute though :rotfl:
I won't let Lydia watch the teleubbies because of the language thing I have to say. To me it seems like it's insulting her intelligence.
(no offence to people who like it for their kids, I just can't stand it personally).

Lydia loves Pocoyo. That is such a sweet programme. :)

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