Idea For Our Bumps!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Jen&James has just given me an idea!!

She wrote a poem for her Mum's birthday as a keepsake and I thought "oooh! I'll write one for Evie for when she's older!!"

Hopefully, if I can write a decent one, I'll frame it and put it in her keepsake box!!

I can't wait to start writing now lol...

Just thought I'd share! xx
awww bless. that is such a lovely idea! hope it goes well. have a big bar of chocolate to get that inspiration flowing! hehe (i find it always helps)
ooh that's lovely. I may do this as well.
I'm thinking if I get really bored I might decorate my bump one afternoon...should keep me busy!!! :lol:

The poem idea is good though, hope your creative juices are flowing!

C xxx
There's a little book in Mothercare for Grnadparents. Basically they fill in all sorts of stuff about themselves, photos, how they met, memories etc which is then a keepsake for baby.

Going to get one for OHs parents to fill out as mine are divorced, and plan to give it to LO when he's older :)
Oh I love that idea - both the poem and the book for grandparents.

Don't think I'm creative enough to scribe a fitting poem, but I can deffo buy a book. I'm good at shopping!
Awww that's a lovely idea Dannii, i'm hopeless with stuff like that though. I was reading your blog to baby Evie
actually the other day and it made me cry, it's so lovely. I can imagine you are going to be such a lovely mum xx
I've written it!! I want to write it up properly all pretty with flowers and in a nice font etc but here it is;

For the past nine months I've loved you,
Every second of every day.
My love for you will continue to grow,
In each and every way.

You've grown to become my Princess,
My precious little girl.
My life now has new meaning,
You've brought joy into my world.

When I first heard your heartbeat,
My heart filled with love.
This little life I'd created,
Must have been sent from above.

They say a Mother/daughter bond,
Will never fade away.
By your side I'll always be,
And forever I will stay.

There is no limit to my love,
No boundary you might cross.
No price you might be asked to pay,
No need to fear its loss.

I promise to always protect you,
Pick you up when you are down.
Take pride in every achievement,
Make a smile out of your frown.

It's just me and you now sweetheart,
Let's face the world together.
As long as you are my daughter,
I'll be here for you, forever.

We are now one, the two of us,
On our little throne.
As long as I have life and breath,
You'll never be alone.

Love Mummy xx

Aww I'm actually welling up! Haha!! :lol: xx
You're not the only one welling up Dannii! That's beautiful!!
What kind of paper are you putting it on? I wrote my Mum a poem a few years back and put it on some paper I made with pressed flowers inside it, and little torn out copies of pics of me and her over the years and framed the whole thing. She keeps it by her bed :)

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