Iceland Flight Chaos!


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Well the inlaws have been away for 36 days to New Zealand then on to Australia where they are now stuck! Their return flight is on Tuesday but Emirates have cancelled their Aus to Dubai and Dubai to Heathrow flights, OOPS!! :shock: And better yet.......they have a three week landrover touring holiday booked in July for.......yup..........Iceland!! :lol:

Anyone else's holidays going pear shaped?
My nan and grandad are stuck in Spain and are being told they have to get a coach and ferry back x
My OH is busy battling to get through to Emirates, they are saying the soonest flight available is 4th of May :shock:
Oh my :shock:

My brother works in Devon and was due home this weekend as he had a friends wedding, it didn't happen
Oh dear!! Looks like OH has got flights booked now, they should be home on the 5th! It's mad how many people are completely stranded and plans ruined, at least our folks don't have anything planned.
I'm starting to wonder if my OH's folks will ever get home!! They got to Dubai and are due to fly back to Glasgow tomorrow (first flight they could get since 28th of April!!) and apparently it looks like the airports might be closed again tomorrow morning!!! EEK!!!!
My brother is due to fly tomorrow morning as well :doh:
Fingers crossed the airports stay open!! They've been away since the 14th of March!!!
I was all going well, they left Dubai with a 20 min delay on the runway early this morning heading for Glasgow, and now just heard they have been diverted in flight to Newcastle!! Just as well my OH is off today, he's going to have a lovely drive!!
My brothers got cancelled, he's schedulled for tomorrow morning but we'll see :|
Oh fingers crossed Mamafy!! Are the airports still closed tonight? OH's folks were due to get on a bus to take them to Glasgow, but they live just outside Edinburgh so made little sense for them to get the bus. Thanfully they are now back home with a large glass of red!
I had family come visit us over here and then they got stuck for an extra week. I nearly battered them. Don't get me wrong, I love to have family come and visit, but for the mentally prepared amount of time. Mama don't do well with unexpected weeks thrust upon her!!!
I think that's what my OH's family felt too, they had already been there for 3-4 weeks! Did you survive?? And Mamafy did your brother get his flight yesterday??
Only just! lol. We're all still on speaking terms, so that's something ;)

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