
Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I know i said i only wanted one baby and Iv got him now but cos of this baby boom i want more babies!! :cheer: :cheer:

i love readin thru all the posts of new mummies and i loved my big baby bump, i think im abit weird :shock: :lol:

maybe if i seduce OH when he comes in from work I might b able to do it all again!!! :wink:

Someone please say this is normal!!!! :| :rotfl:
I'd love another one too now my son is one. Am trying to hold off a bit so I can hopefully have a natural birth but I'm so broody! :lol:
when is the best time to start ttc after the first??
mummykay said:
I know i said i only wanted one baby and Iv got him now but cos of this baby boom i want more babies!! :cheer: :cheer:

i love readin thru all the posts of new mummies and i loved my big baby bump, i think im abit weird :shock: :lol:

maybe if i seduce OH when he comes in from work I might b able to do it all again!!! :wink:

Someone please say this is normal!!!! :| :rotfl:

Definately normal, I felt just like you after having Ella :)
yeah, i was really broody after Aimee was born.
They say you should leave it at least a year between babies to let your body recover but lots of people have them straight after and are fine. When you feel ready hun, if you're thinking about a small age gap you could maybe ask Dionne how it is for her?
We are hoping to TTC again when this one is 1.5-2 i know how we have already decided what gap we want before i have even had J!!!
I know im done. That 'feeling' is completely gone and I am relived that I wont have to do this bit again. Its nice to look at the 2 of them and know my family is complete and that from now on it upwards, not back to ttc. I hope no one thinks thats hard faced, im just being honest.
Not at all Laura! I want one more and then I am done! Two is enough for me!
I'll be happy with my 2 for a few years but am sure I'll get broody again. Even if I wait 10 years I'll still only be 34 and some ladies don't have their first til then. So I'll be keeping the crib in the attic after this one ;)
i felt the same as you after each of my babies were born, ill probley feel the same again after this one is born (ages yet) but 4 will b enough for me(lol)

Haha - I've been broody ever since Maddie was born - even through toughest of sleepless nights!! Finally convinved DH to start TTC and...... here I am again!!!

YOu do sort of get bast it - I think it may be more hormonal for the first couple of months!!

mummykay said:
I know i said i only wanted one baby and Iv got him now but cos of this baby boom i want more babies!! :cheer: :cheer:

i love readin thru all the posts of new mummies and i loved my big baby bump, i think im abit weird :shock: :lol:

maybe if i seduce OH when he comes in from work I might b able to do it all again!!! :wink:

Someone please say this is normal!!!! :| :rotfl:

oh god try and keep your legs crossed a few more months! :rotfl: Wait till baby is about 5 months old at least. Let your body recover a little first. By that time you may have come to your senses too! :rotfl:
I know exactly how you feel, my little baba is only 2 wks old and I'm already thinking about the next one - especialy after making sure to make a mental note during the birth of how painful the birth was!!!! :shock:
Daggers said:
I know exactly how you feel, my little baba is only 2 wks old and I'm already thinking about the next one

Me too Daggers! The strange thing is that I only ever wanted one child, and I was really happy with just Kayleigh for 13 years. But now we both want another one, and DH wants another two! :shock: :D
you're all mental.

stick with two. Two kids are a doddle.
budge said:
you're all mental.

stick with two. Two kids are a doddle.

And how many kids do you have then Budge??? :wink: :lol:

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