I need your help


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
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I am finding beards strangly attractive. It all started with Gerard Butler in 300, now I have just seen Jake Gyllenhall on Jonathon Ross with a beard and it made me go mmmm. What is this all about, is it pregnancy related, am I getting old before my time??? Someone helpme before its christmas and I find myself in toy shops trying to sit on santas knee
haha just read my post back - just wanted to make it clear Jake Gyllenhall was not actually on Jonathon Ross with a beard, he's on his show - that would be a whole new kettle of fish.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just make sure you get an elf to take a picture to post on here!!
Beanie is he the dark one from brokeback mountain if so he's lush but im afraid i cant share your enthusiasm on beards i hate them :talkhand:
You'll have to get DF to grow one! I'm afraid I can't join you with your enthusiasm, they're so scratchy looking! Bad enough when DH has got a few days stubble :shock:
Lol kina i always end up getting blooming beard rash from the o/h when his a re a bit long :lol:
hahaha Kina, he can't!! He can grow a greasy tosh and get a goatee but no beard action.

Flossy -I was thesame with beards, facial hair is a massive no but seriously I am sitting here wanting to pet Jake's chin.
Ewwwww no dont go there :talkhand: I liked him in brokeback found him really attractive but the beard would make me :puke:
beanie said:
hahaha Kina, he can't!! He can grow a greasy tosh and get a goatee but no beard action.

Flossy -I was thesame with beards, facial hair is a massive no but seriously I am sitting here wanting to pet Jake's chin.

Ahhhhh I see now - you need a guinea pig. Or hamster. Something furry and bearded to pet. Actually are you harbouring lesbian fantasies? Is that what this is all about?

Back away from the bearded men! .................................... you dont need to encounter what they have had for brekkie, dinner & tea (in their whiskers) :puke:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
you are all completely mad i thought this was a serious post and just nearly peed myself laughing when i read it :lol: xxxx
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Made me giggle

rach said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
you are all completely mad i thought this was a serious post and just nearly peed myself laughing when i read it :lol: xxxx

no but thats just it- I am serious. :shock: I am just scared where its going to end- perhaps I need therapy, whats the one called, where you end up getting an aversion to them??
Did I hear that Chris Moyles made Johnathan Ross shave off his beard? He looked silly with one.
do you really like beards beanie or are you just acting the goat ???

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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