i need ur advice girls


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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about 2 months ago i took Braydon to a soft play centre and i started talking to this girl whos son was two she seemed really nice so we swapped numbers and sed wed meet again
since then we have met 2 more times once to get profissional pics of the boys and done and the second to get the pics.
the thing is she texts me at least 15 times a day, she sends me things in the post last time was a £30 next voucher(i told her it was kind but sent it bck) and she is realy clingy if i say im going out with a mate she says oh i thought i was ur mate - like im only allowed to tlk to her. and she texts me all the time saying meet up tomoz as im free not asking if im free etc

its just really getting to me she is so clingy and keeps telling me im her best mate but we have only seen each other 3 times, i know im probably sounding a rite bitch but its really starting to get to me as i dont get 10 mins in a day without her ringing or texting me
i dont wanna be nasty to her but i just want her off my back a lil bit
any ideas ??
Personally I would run a mile if a bloke started acting like that so the same would go for girl mates too. I would change my number and forget about her.

Sorry if thats harsh but I would :)
Yeah im afraid I agree with Kirsty I probably would change my number!

Can you not explain that its getting a bit much or maybe try ignoring her and see if she gets the hint? Sounds like she's pretty lonley and you've shown her some attention she craved, its a shame really but if shes texting/ringing you that much then doesnt really sound 'normal' to be.

That probably doesnt help you at all.... sorry hun xxx
If you dont know her that well then I suppose you can just be straight with her without the fear of losing her friendship :)
i just cant be mean to her lol i know she is so lonely and dont wanna upset her
iv told her that the texting etc all the time is to much she stopped for 3 days then went bck to normal
Ur too nice hun!

At the end of the day, its effecting your life and you have to make a stand and tell her firmly that she needs to back off and give you some space otherwise u cant be friends. Tell her shes great and you like being friends with her but you have other people in your life too.

I know u dont wanna upset her but she sounds a little obsessive, u dont want things to get out of hand. Maybe write her a letter so u dont have to do it face to face..... just an idea?

aww sarah you are too nice, i know how you feel though i had a friend just like your friend, never left me alone, constant texting.. i changed my number in the end and when i saw her in town she just said hi, how are you and that was that,..

You need to take action before she gets out of hand, one thing leads to another and she may be trying to get close to you for a reason, put a stop to it before it gets that far.. :hug:
yeah i hadnt thought of a letter think im gonna have to do it she has text me twice since i posted the first post on this :wall:
get rid of her sarah!
single white female springs to mind! :talkhand:
I had this problem with someone, who became obsessed!! She was always phoninh, with absolutely no chat, if I didn't answer a text she would phone my mob, then the house then mob then email and then phone oh :shock: I got caller ID so I didn't pick the phone up all the time! I ended up texting her and telling her I had a lot on and needed some space! She text back saying is that my way of telling her to fook off!!!! Told her it was just because I was busy. She didn't text for days, then did about a week later, I ignored her this was three years ago and then last month she e mailed - again ignored as far asI'm concerned it is all just a bit too weird!! Why do people have to ruin things by being psychos!!
Sarah&Braydon said:
budge said:
get rid of her sarah!
single white female springs to mind! :talkhand:

hun am i being blonde budge?

you what?
single white female is a thriller film in which a girl befriends a girl and copys everything she wears eats does etc.
you should watch it sarah! you'll never have friends again :rotfl:
i'd be honest with her. If she is a single mum she obvioulsy is very lonely.
and is glad of the friendship.
But explain to her that texting 15 + times a day isn't normal and you are finding it a bit worrying, tell her you need to devote time to your other mates and family as well as her.

Maybe get you parents to answer the phone and tell her to cut down on the texting/phoning or just get them to say 'you again - you must have a good kid to be able to phone text so much.

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