i need advice asap


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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hey guys. im supposed to be 8weeks 3 days today. but the last few days ive just felt like something wasnt right. ive not have sore cramps or any bleeding. just a tiny bit of cramping last night. today i felt so paranoid because i just dont feel anything. so i took a test literally 5 minutes ago and there is a line still but it is extremely faint. its definitely still there, but honestly girls its so faint its just freaking me right out. i need some honest opinions here. :( x
Tests would tend to be fainter the more dilute your urine is, which is why you should test in the morning. If it puts your ind at ease try again in the morning but i wouldnt worry about things unless something happens as stress is not good in pregnancy. Sure everything is fine and have fx for you x
If your really worried go to your doctor/ midwife or A&E. You could also get an early ultra sound to put your mind at rest & you'll get to see the heartbeat! I'm sure it's just growing pains and like nikki said diluted urine would give you a weaker test result. As long as you have no bleeding I'd say you'll be fine, try not to worry but if it puts your mind at rest head to docs.
Look at the positive you still have a line, to be honest I did 10 tests in total because I always felt something was wrong, I ven convinced myself ther was nothing in there and then we had the scan.

If you concerned please speak to your doc or MW or go to the EPU they will be able to set your mind at ease and they are totally used to it :)
thanks guys! went to the a&e who then reffered me to the right section of the hospital. doctor had a wee feel about and inspected me and said tht everything feels normal. and that my cervix is closed which is a good sign but she has taken my blood and wants me back in another 48 hours to take more blood to compare my hormone levels because i dont think there was much hormones in the pee again, although still positive tests at the hospital. so theyre gunna compare my two blood samples. then ive to get a scan on monday anyway just to make sure its not ectopic. so heres hoping! pain has completely subsided now. feeling a wee bit better. but am sure il be panicking on monday til i see the scan! so will update then. xxx
Glad you're feeling bit better hun. If any consolation with my first I did 3 tests and all had feint lines, even one I did at almost 3 months due tp paranoia lol

Glad the hospitals looking after you. Let us know how you get on xxxxxx

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