
Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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I have given up cold turkey. It's been 5 days now. Haven't touched one. I can do this, it's for my baby. But I miss it because OH and I used to "social smoke". We would sit in the garden in the evenings and talk & laugh, but smoking was always a part of it. I hardly touched the cigs in the day because I'm so busy with my daughter, but at night I really looked forward to letting my hair down and having a nice smoke with OH. Since OH "quit" 3 days ago (he promised me we'd quit together for our baby) we've beenjust sitting in front of the tv in the evenings (his choice, not mine) and he doesn't want to talk, or play cards, or ANYTHING. I tried to get him to sit out in the garden (which lasted 5 mins) but it doesn't feel right now and we're both under a lot of strain because of quitting and we're just not enjoying eachothers company at the moment. This really hurts because this should be the happiest time of our lives. Now--last night we got a phone call from someone who really winds us up and OH gets so "stressed" he decides to have a fag. I beg him not to, but he insists. One fag turns into two.... He promises me that's it, he's back to quitting. Then this morning I hear the back door opening, so I go to look and THERE HE IS WITH ANOTHER FAG! We fought of course...been fighting all day. I can't get him to understand that I feel like he's betraying me. We promised eachother we'd give up together. He's out walking the streets now and I can bet he's smoking like a chimney. Stupid weak *******. Ladies, I honestly feel like he's disrespecting me by smoking like this. I kind of feel like he's cheating on me. I'm just so hurt, why can't he think of anyone but HIMSELF? Does anyone else feel like this?
Me and my oh quit together and here I am still not doing it and he's smoking away. I just don't thnk they think of the reasons were doing it for they cant understand the feeling of a baby in them and so it's easier for them to shrug it off. My other half blames other people at work and says its harder for him as hes around people all day who smoke but its all down to how much you really want to do it.
I know its bloody hard and I still crave one now if I have a crap day, but you stick with it your doing so well . Have you tried to get him to use some patches they worked great for me for the first 3-4 weeks really took the edge, they may help.
He's only going to do it if he really really wants to so I would just try and focus on you and sod him to be honest, not much help I know but I really cant give any other advice for you, cause men are men and will have a million excuses to use when thay want.
Good luck and stick with it. x
Thanks for your reply Helen. I feel really awful now saying what I did...but you know how it is in the heat of the moment. Tomorow will be one week since I've given up, and I am giong to stick to it. We talked it over and hubby says he will do his best to give up again, but can't quite do it at the moment. He's cut down a hell of a lot though--from around 20 a day to 5 in the evening, and it's always in the garden, never in front of my DD...so I should be happy. :roll: We always knew men were the weaker species, didn't we ladies? :lol:
Well done, it's difficult to quit.

Men are the weaker sex....my DH promised to give up when I got pregnant but has done nothing about it. I keep trying to talk to him but we end up arguing so I have given up trying. I wish my DH would at least cut down.

Keep up the good work.....you can do it x x x
hey mags... dont forget your hormones are raging at the moment too.....

the most important thing is that YOU have quit..... have you tried giving Dh the gum? i know you cant take it cos of the nicotine, but i used them a while ago and they helped me get down from 20 day to 3/4 day.. they do actually work cos you get the instant nicotine from them

just an idea...
Sorry I've not posted here for awhile! I'm proud of how well I've done, cold turkey! Hubby is still smoking his 5 a night. He has promised to try the patches this time round. I think I'll have to lead him to the shop to buy em, he's so stubborn. Maybe I'll just buy him a pack and get it over with. I don't want him to resent me, but I want him to keep his word.
aww keep with it hun, you are doing so well! i stopped last October as we were starting IVF in the December, and i found the first 4 days hard but i was so determined, i did it cold turkey aswell, dont be too hard on your other half, we both know how hard it is and i think you will find that encouraging him when he has a good day works much better than shouting (just remember how simple the male species is!) you should just remind him about stinking of smoke and how it will make the baby smell of it too if he insists on picking him/her up when he has been smoking, that should put him off! keep up the good work, you are doing fab!

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