i must be the oldest person ever...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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to get shouted at off my parents! :lol:

yes thats right, at the grand old age of TWENTY SEVEN i got told off yesterday like a little schoolgirl! by my mum! because, umm, millie said fuck :oops:

well, she isnt speaking properly yet but much of her babbling sounds like words already. and she was chattering away to my lil sis and my sis laughed and said "did she just tell me to fuck off?!"

so my mum said "u dont swear infront of her, do u rachel?" and i was like "errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm... no?!" with a ridiculously bad giveaway expression on my face she knew i was lying and then started going on about how bad it is. i was quite bemused coz she's so snobbish sometimes and i really dont think swearing's that big a deal it's not like im teaching my daughter about drugs and happy slapping.

so my mum sat up straight and said REALLY sternly "wipe that smirk off yr face or i will get angry!" :eek: :rotfl:

cant believe im not too old to get a ticking off!

Personally I wouldn't be too delighted if Wills learnt curse words, but "wipe that smirk off your face?" What age are you? Twelve? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nah... I get told off by my mum all the time...and I'm 29 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Apparently I'm still not big enough to put across her knee... (I'm a 5ft6 29 year old and my mums 5ft 63 year old.) I beg to differ.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I'm almost 30 and I still get the odd bollocking...usually for swearing :oops: :oops:
My mum caught me smoking in my back garden when I was 30-she lived next door and had an annoying habit of poking her head over wall when she heard me outside :roll: I was given the third degree and she ddnt speak to me for ages :rotfl:

I didnt start smoking till I was 29-ridicuolus really but I was going through a rebelious time after my marriage break up! I gave up as soon as I was PG but she has never let me forget it :doh:
I'm constantly bollocking my dad for swearing infront of Isaac but my mum rarely swears, only when she is really angry, usually about something in the news to do with animals or children getting hurt. I try not to swear because I think kids swearing is awfull but we all let slip the odd For F's sake every now and then. If my mum tried to tell me off we would both crack up laughing :D
my mums the same they never swore in front of me but i swear like a trooper!! i admit reanna did say some words as a baby but you soon learn them to do as i say not as i do and that children shouldt ever swear and despite how much i swear she goes mad at her friend at school if she says as much as bugger so she knows its wrong.

reanna had a thing for calling ppl k**b head when she was just learning speak cus thats all i ever used to call (jokingly) my OH. she didnt do it for long tho!

i still feel like a child when my mum shouts sumtimes and if i started smoking again then i definately wouldnt tell her lol its weird how you are always young in some ways to them!

i still get told off but more in a jokey way, normally when im bein rude or vulgar :rotfl:

my language is appalling when Jamies not around, think my mums more shocked that i even know such words lol :oops: :rotfl:
My mum would tell me off for that too! Although I don't swear around Stanley. unless it's a real accident.

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