I Miss Tri 2


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Although im sooooo excited im on the home stretch i miss you lot.

Its so busy in tri 3 and i dont really know many people over there :cry:

Whos else is moving over soon :wave:
ive got a few weeks yet but i dont wanna leave tri 2 if im honest
*looks at ticker* 100 days today for me! :shock: I'll be there in just over a week!

We miss you to, but its good you went over there also :hug:

Feel free to stop over here and join us still though. Some of us venture into 3rd tri already, so we are there in type somewhere with you, if not quite there in body yet :lol:
i felt the same when i joined tri 2, no one was familiar and it was all so new, also i'd gone from having one of the ticker furtherest along to one of the least (it was like starting all over again).

But it get s better, firends arrive your ticker ticks on and when new people join you can think to yourself hmm i'm closer to the finsih line than them (or not if you are nothing like me).

but we all join you soon and then you wont be so lonely.

hiiiiiiiiiiiii Bloom!!!! Im coming over tommorrow, I decided :lol: bit early but who cares. I miss everyone!!

Bloom said:
Although im sooooo excited im on the home stretch i miss you lot.

Its so busy in tri 3 and i dont really know many people over there :cry:

Whos else is moving over soon :wave:

a week & 2 days for me
I'm coming over tomorrow! I cant wait! see you then! xxx
I'll swap with you! Don't get me wrong, it's lovely here but I'm wishing the weeks away til due date already :lol:
Yeah I know what you mean Bloom, it will be great when we have more familiar faces over in tri 3, people do seem to bond more and we know most peoples stories etc, roll on 2 weeks when we are all together again :dance:

P.S the other people in 3rd tri are lovely though :D
hi hun,

we miss you too :(

why don't you post in both tri's anyways? that way we all get a share of you :D

sarah xxxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks ladies im feeling a bit hormonal today :roll: .

Im off to get some chocolate :dance:

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