i miss my internet!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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i'm at the in-laws so am finally logged properly on again (albeit on the slowest broadband connection known to man)... i've missed so much - and missed all you ladies loads!

you'll all have to bear with me while i catch up on all your news... :D

as for me... well, we found out on friday morning that my OH has been made redundant. :( no warning, no suspicion, nothing - and its effective immediately, which means he's on unconditional gardening leave for the next month.

it has its advantages cos he can decide when to start back at work now (prob mid/end march) but he'll still have the stress and worry of finding a new job... and we won't have his paycheque in march. urgh.

trying to look on the bright side, our flat is coming on... we reckon we might be able to move home in about a week or so. i spent a grand on new carpets the day before OH lost his job :wall: don't think moving home can come soon enough though, if i'm honest. i haven't had any noticable BH / leaking nipples etc all the way through being pregnant, but for the last 2 days, my body has definitely started to get in gear - i've been getting really strong period pains and back ache. just hope trog stays put for a wee while longer...!

anyway, its good to be back, if only for a bit - hopefully i'll be home and making my post target v soon!! :dance: :dance:
ps. think OH is starting as he means to go on... he's still in bed and refusing to get up...!! :roll: :x :x
Oh no! :hug: :hug: I hope your OH can find a job soon. Talk about bad timing!
At least he can spend a couple weeks with you and baby
Aww, sorry to hear you're having a tought time at the moment, hope things pick up soon :hug:
thanks :hug: :hug:

i've just been doing some research and it seems that OH could actually claim unfair dismissal if he decides he wants to go down that route. i don't think he'll struggle to find another job, its just crappy timing cos whenever he does find and start a new role, he'll be really stressed trying to prove himself. as if being a new daddy won't be enough!
Welcome back :wave:

I hope you sort something out about your oh but i wouldnt worry to much these things have a habit of sorting themselves out. At least he can spend some time with you and the baby :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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