i know this sounds crazy but.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2011
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This is going to sound realy crazy and most of u will think im totaly bonkers but as this is my 9th pregnancy i have 6 children 2 mcs and this one but for 2 days i have been getting feelings down in my uterus area very much like vvv mild braxton hicks and trust me i know wat these feel like and with my last preg i felt them as early as 9 weeks ish :shock: ... well i thought this cant be right im only just nearly 5 weeks so wat did i do i googled and low and hehold bh do actualy start around 5 weeks its the uterus tightening but most woman dont feel it but ladies have been feeling them as early as 5 weeks:shock: and i have round ligament pain also had thios pretty early on with my last one aswel,my bump with my last one was mostly rock hard from around 20 weeks cos of bh,im going to mentuion it to mw wen i ahve my booking in next week,its crazy i can feel them this early on but a vvv mild form anywyas sorry for my ramblings just wnated to see if any other ladies have felt them this early on ? xx
I like the cramping because it reassures me that I'm still pregnant, with my first it disappeared for me after a few weeks so I felt really un-pregnant which wasn't fun until my belly got fat, so I really missed the crampings x I have it now but know it'll disappear again so enjoying it while it lasts!

Make a pregnancy ticker
It's amazing what you feel and how early you feel it, but it's knowledge you pick up with each pregnancy and when you've had more than many midwife's have it's difficult for them to fully understand what you know your feeling . I have 5 children ,had a mc in Nov 11 and am now 10 wks with number 6 which will be my last as I'm already feeling too old to be doing it now. Good luck with your number 7 all the best , xx
I thought I was imagining these movements as thought no way can they happen that early. I had like a waving sensation (not of the hand variety ) but like a swooshing feeling and every now and again it now feels like minion is poking me from the inside xx
i am still having the bh sensation mostly at night my oh things im crazy maybe i am lol but i see mw wed for booking in and i will quiz her lol kaz u will soon feel flutters if u havnt already thats the most amazing thing ever i cannot wait xx
I have felt alot of stretching and pulling from 5 weeks or so ,and then at about 7 weeks bloated up like a balloon , all settled down now though , things do feel different from when I was pregnant with my last daughter who is now 2, that's why I'm hoping this ones a boy .
I don't think I've felt a series of bh til at least 30 weeks in the past , but I did feel odd random ones now and again. Hope thats helps answer your question, but your definitely right that each pregnancy does feel very different and sometimes may as well be our firsts.
It's lovely to meet a like minded person as myself all the best with your no. 7.xx

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