i know its the least of my worries but..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Has any one else noticed, straightening there hair jus doesnt work the same?

No matter what i seem to do to my hair, it jus looks a real mess..

i'm not really to bothered, but resently it just wont straighten properly..

Anyone else had this? xx
Hey there Charlotte!

Yes, I have noticed this. My hair is very limp when I straighten it. It looks awful. I am also suffering from really dry scalp and my grey hairs (I am only 28!) are showing due to not dying my hair in 10 weeks!!

I guess this is why they dont recommend dying / perming your hair when PG.... Ah the joys!!
You can still dye your hair chick, i asked m/w, its ok to, but it might not always go the colour you expected..

But its more when people dye hair lighter shades, you'd notice the difference..

i jus keep shuving mine up in a bobble..

hopefully when we bloom, we can get away with it like that hehe xxx :rotfl:
Thanks Charlotte. I think I will just buy a brown coloured shop one and use it... for the time being anyway. I am just worried that my usual colour (vibrant red) would come out pink or something!!! :rotfl:
hmmm as far as i know its when you do a dramatic change,

like blonde to brown or vise versa, think sticking to normal colours should be ok :)

dont hold me to it tho hehe xxx
I had highlights in 1st Tri (Week 12) and 3rd tri (Week 29) and both times the colour came out exactly the same as normal.

Having said that, there has been one pleasant change to my hair - it takes about 4 days to get greasy now which is ace! :cheer:
Im hating mine already i straightened it this morning and it was perfect now its got kinks in it again :evil:
Mine is horrible, i am having to wash it every day at the moment as its just soooo greasy!!!
Ally1979 said:
Mine is horrible, i am having to wash it every day at the moment as its just soooo greasy!!!
Im exactly the same!!!! :shock: mine used to need washing every 3 days or so now every day!! Its driving me mad already hahaha
I havent tried straightening it yet! I will have to try tomorrow and see! :D
Since I fell pregnant I've noticed that my hair is drier & doesn't sit properly, & my scalp is dry. On a plus side I do think that my fingernails are stronger.
am just shoving mine in a bobble at the mo..... will worry about hair once I've stopped felling sh1te :lol:
yea, mine is taking ages to straighten, looks dodgy, looks greasy within a few hours!!! :( ............. I do know that things seem much more painful while pregnant.......remember my head burning like mad when I had my hair coloured coloured...........had my legs waxed years ago whilst pregnant..........never did it a second time!!!!.........seems to make you more sensitive to things :?

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