I Know its still really early BUT...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I'm thinkin of telling My Dad,

Were really close and we normally talk about everything, and i hate keeping things from him :'(

My OH suggests i tell him when i feel right, and he wants to be there??

Is he mad lol...

Shows respect him being there, but i dont know if i'm better telling my Dad, jus me on my own,

Because i'm only 19, i dont know how he'll take it.

Still his little girl.. what he doesnt know is i was trying to concieve...
And i want this more than anything...
I didnt tell him about last time, because he would have been devastated i had m/c...

Help me girls.. what should i do? xx
I have ummed and ahhed about telling Family too.. and i am earlier than you... i told some people but others i am waiting untill i am nearer the 12 week mark..

I would say tell him when ever you feel comfortable... you never know he might suprise you with a huge hug and an offer or a big fat cheque LOL
lol i wish hehe...

Do you think OH should be present or not? OH is 26, so thinks he should be there, but i dunno if it'll effect my dad showing how he genuinly feels..

Congrats on your BFP... when you think you'll tell parents? xx
i told my Mam yesterday by my self LOL

Scouse wouldn't of minded being there but i prefered to tell her by myself.. its up to you hun, you know how your Dad will react..What you think you will do?
Me and OH have had lil ups and down's, but always stuck together, and not pointing the blame but it is all him, he hasnt been the best boyfriend, but hes always cared for me, people said i was silly sticking with him, but i didnt listen, and things have turned out for best, but when things were bad, i jus mean him lettin me down, puttin me 2nd to his friends and beer all the time, my dad was one who picked up pieces etc.. He thinks hes a top guy, and i know he'll be happy i'm happy, and he loves children i have 2brother and 2sisters lol.. and he'd have had loats more he said, but mum and dad split up while bk..

Anyway.. i know my dad will be very happy, but jus worried OH may let me down thats all.. so i dunno what to do.. i'm so stuck.. x
Hi Hun

I think its lovely that your OH wants to be there when you tell your dad. Shows he's really proud of you being pg with his baby.
If it were me i would want OH to be with me.

I know what you mean about wanting to see your dads true feelings but i think you'll see that either way and think how much happier he'll be to see you there as a couple who love each other, announcing your happy news.

He might be shocked at his little girl all grown up but he's now gonna be a grandad and thats going to mean the world to him.

Its entirely up to you how you do it hun just thought i'd give you my views.

Big Hugs to you xxx :hug: :hug:
hey glittergirl...

What you say is so true..

Well OH is on his way round (i love with my dad still)

Think were going to sit down and tell him..

SOO scared... i know my dad inside out, but dont know how he'll react..

A While go a girl i know who was young got pregnant, i was only about 16, and said to my Dad.. what would you do Dad, (as from a young age i;ve always wanted to be a mummy) He said, as a parent, you accept your children will grown up, and have there own...

I remember his words exactly hehe.. Lets hope he remembers them hehe, and says it to me hey :) sooo nervous xxx
Aww he sounds like a lovely dad to have.

Hope everything goes well. Even if he seems shocked at first doesn't mean he's not happy for you. Just give him time to take it in.

I dont think you have anything to worried about, its not like your only 16.

Bet he's gonna be thrilled.

Will this be his first grandchild?

Just to say i got to log off for the night as i'm off out with OH for a meal so hope everything went well with Dad.

I'll try catch up with you tomorrow at some point.

Bye Hun xxxxxxx :hug:
Sorry forgot to reply in this thread..

Yeh it'll be his first granchild..

But OH.. his dad has 2others.. a neice and nephew..

My OH's Sister, shes lovely and very suppostive, i'm really close friends with her, shes been there for me when OH been a pain.. and always takes my side hehe, because hes always in wrong hehe..

Anyway i've told her, OH doesnt know that tho, shes not told anyone not even her husband.. a feel bad telling his sister before he does.. but shes my friend.She'll have to learn to act suprised when he tells her lol.. :eek:

I think it's lovely that your OH wants to be there and if you feel comfortable with that, then it's great! Let me just tell you something...

...When I found out I was pregnant, my ex wanted me to go with him to tell his mum and dad. I REALLY didn't want to go, I thought it was best for him to break the news and then for us all to meet up after the initial shock. My ex decided that if I refused to go then he wouldn't tell them so I had to...

...They were ok, not overly happy but not angry OR SO I THOUGHT! When I left, they asked Gray to go round there a few days later to talk about things, Gray didn't tell me that so I went along all happy that they were coming round and they completely shot me down calling me everything under the sun, saying that they very much doubt he's even the father and telling me I just HAD to abort and if I didn't, then they hope nature would take control and I'd MC... I was devasted. They offered him 5k to get out and leave and so he did! Never heard/seen any of them since!

SO... From a bad experience, I would probably say that IF you are worried about your dad showing his true feelings, maybe tell him on your own, and then suggest a lovely meal or something for everyone to get together to celebrate and talk about it all :D

I think it'd be a special moment when you tell your dad, and unless you're sure about his reaction, maybe go it alone at first?

It's up to you, but either way it sounds like he'll be delighted!! xx
:x OMG your experience sounds awfall Danni

How could any put money on knowing your own son..

And To accuse you of bascially sleeping around, and him not being the Dad??

Are they insane?? Have they lost the plot??

Well end of day its there loss, because he wont see his lovely son, and nor will the grandparents see, there grandchild.. The sound awfal babe..

Some people in this world, are just not right in Head...
Well i think your doing a excellent job so far.. :) :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun! I don't want to jump in on your thread, I just wanted you to hear both sides :hug: Oooh that's wierd that you say "son" !! I think girl but everyone else thinks boy! Hmmm, I find out on 10th April so we'll see! xxx
hahah i never noticed i did that!!

How wierd!!...

Ooooh i cant wait to find out if your having girl or boy now hehe...

My OH was texting me other day, sayin please eat (i couldnt i was so ill) :'( he was saying if hes anything like his Daddy he'll eat anything hehe..

And then straight away text bk saying, ooh i said he lol..

I think i'm having a boy, happy either way..

Sorry your tell the parents didnt go very well :'( xx

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