I just want to cry all the time.


Nov 12, 2008
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I know I am not on here very often, but I knew this would be the best place to have a whing to people that may understand.

I just feel that everyone is against me these last few week and I am getting so sick of all the horrible coments and just having to laugh them off. I work as a receptionist and people quite often come and talk to me but it just seems to be constant abuse at the moment about me being fat/huge... what ever comes to mind.

It was the Xmas do last week and I did my best to look as glam as possible, the photos were posted on the company website this morning, there were a few of me taken from the most dreadful angle I looked like an elephant and I know in reality I am not that big. I just wanted to cry and now everyone is just taking the piss out of me and it has made all the comments worse this afternoon, I always laugh it off as I don't want them to think I am overly sensitive, but as soon as they are gone I just want to cry. I am taking things so much more to heart at the moment.

I have also been aware that my bosses are trying to make things as uncomfortable as possible for me at the moment, I don't think they really want me to return after maternaity leave. As it would be easier for them to get a permanant receptionist not a temp. Maybe I am just being paranoid. I used to really enjoy work and now I dread it. Is this all just my hormones?

Sorry for going on xxx
Sounds like hormones huni,
But the abuse they are giving and the things they are saying is wrong I am sure you looked wonderful at you're xmas party. Only thing I can say to you is at the end of this you will have a beauiful bouncing babyto love forever and sadly there is no help they can get because you cant fix ignorance...

I do truely feel sorry for people who have to give there own life meaning by putting others down. Just keep you're chin up and think of the addition yoiu will have to you're family soon.


As of them not wanting you back if this is how they fell it is there lose.

Summer xx
Firstly have some :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know the feeling of wanting to cry. Last week I cried just because I thought OH and my parents were ignoring me during a conversation ! :oops: . I kind of embarassed myself but couldn't hide my tears and couldn't even believe I was crying for that reason but i know I was totally heart broken :lol: .

Try not to let insensitive people bring you down hunnie. Just think about the wonderful thing that is happening to you and about the new life you are creating. You are doing the most wonderful job and so you are the most beautiful of them all.
This is my first post here, but I just wanted to say you are certainly not alone. I cry about everything at the moment too, and am finding it very difficult to hold tears in when they well up.
I am sure you looked fab at your work xmas do, and you only think that you looked like an elephant because people tend to see things in themselves that others don't see.

Maybe this stage will pass soon, and you'll start to enjoy being pregnant (and hopefully work) a little more too.
Don't forget that your work should not be able to discriminate against you because of you being pregnant too, so hopefully this should reassure you a little.

Hope you find a little more happiness soon xxx
Ah thanks everyone, I feel better now. Just had another little cry as you have all been so nice to me lol!

You lot are angels xxxxxxxx

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