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I just realised


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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my FIL doesn't give a toss about this baby (his first grandchild would you believe). Since the council basically laughed in our face he has been deliberately trying to bait me into a row. He does this with women, although the last time he really tried it with me he came off a hell of a lot worse when I pinned him in his chair.
He goes on and on and on. And I know for a fact that my OH being off with a spinal injury and twisted pelvis means he'll put the housekeeping up this month which stops us saving to move out and privately rent.
I told them earlier that it's my 20 week scan next week, his girlfriend just carried on reading her paper and he just went "So?"
I get more enthusiasm from my clients at work, all of whom ask to see pictures and ask me how we are all doing.
My family are incredibly close and the minute a pregnancy is confirmed that baby is loved and worried over by everyone of equal measure. Maybe I've just been spoiled, I used to think all families were like mine. I think it's quite sad that my son will have a grandad that sees him as little more than a potential financial burden (as money is his first and only love)

Sorry for the rant girls but it upsets my OH talking about it xxxxxxxxx
You poor thing, its not easy living with in-laws, I am doing it myself.

If I was you, I just wouldn't tell them anything. As it gets you upset. Also if he puts the money up, ask him where he expects you to get that from.
I'm sorry to hear that, I had alittle upset when I annouced I was pregnant a second time so soon.

As for moving out privately you do know you can apply for a bond to help with the deposit? Just go to your council and ask about it x

I would love to move out into a house but the fact I need a grand for deposit so then they will pay the housing after is putting me off :(
Such a tought situation. My in-laws didn't seem to give a sh!t, carried on smoking around me even after they knewwe had a problem with it, and offering no help either financially or otherwise. My parents have been the complete opposite, my mum has pretty much kitted us out for the baby for thefirst 6 months! Dad has helped us move flats and other stuff. But DH gets upset if I ever express how I feel cos he says my parents have more money and time and he feels I'm trying to push his parents out, when really I feel it's *them* making no effort. They even said at the beginning "don't expect any help from us" and when we told them we'd set a date for a wedding it was "I thought it wasnt going to be so close to ours" (it's his step dad and they got married recently too) and when people asked if they were looking forward to being grandparents it was as simple as "no."

However things may be looking up, they seem much more interested in the baby, have invited us over for Christmas, even asked us what we would want for a present (which I wasn't expecting as they didn't even get DH, their own son, a birthday present. Meanwhile my parents spent quite a lot on him!) so I'm making more of an effort now too and maybe this is the start of a more harmonious relationship! My parents still rule tho lol :D xxx
maybe things will change when the baby's here hun, if not then he's the only 1 who will be missing out. I got upset the other day as my dad who i never see was told about my LO being born by my cousin (the only 1 in my entire family who gives him time of day) and he interrupted him saying 'I'm not interested, I've got a lot on with work and the kids' (he has 3 other daughters) made me so mad, and I dont even see him so it must be harder that he's your OH dad and you see him every day. I hope for you and your OHs sake he gets his bum in gear and makes an effort, must be hard on your OH too as it's his dad, I feel awkward about mine when my OHs dad practically got us a house and everything we needed for the baby, it's embarrassing. xx
Thanks girls, sounds bad lol but I'm glad it's not just me!

I've managed to get extra hours at work, back to a 7 day week boooo!, got stuff that dad's going to put on ebay for me, I'm a qualified Egyptologist so have loads of amulets and stuff to sell as well as Chinese artefacts and my prized dolls house.....I can replace them all when Bertie finishes law/med school and can keep his mummy in a life she's not used to :lol:

I would give the clothes off my back for my little boy, my OH would too, so at least he'll know who really loves him :) xxxxxxxxxx
Without being rude, the guy sounds like a prize tool. What sort of person wants to bait a pregnant woman into a row? a) is he crazy....er hormomes! and b) does he not realise that stress is bad for you? I have a bit of a frosty relationship with my MIL but we're civil and thankfully i don't think i'll ever be in a position where i have to live with her. I'm sorry you're having to go through this hun, but sounds as though Bertie is going to have bags of love from you, your OH and your family so don't let people who don't matter bring you down. It'll be his loss when hes old and lonely and his first grandson can't be arsed with him xxxx

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