I have to go into hopsital.. hugs needed ((hugs)))


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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:cry: :cry: :cry: Been to see the consultant today about my complaint regarding the placenta that got left behind, he did a scan and there is more placenta/blood clots in my womb, so i have to go at 8 am in the morning, and have a operation to remove everything.. im taking bailey with me as im breastfeeding but im not allowed to feed him for 4 hours after the general anethestic(sp) so the breastfeeding lady is coming later to drop me a hospital pump off so i can express what i need for bailey later on today! my blood count is quite low because of all the bleeding ive had, so i may end up having a blood transfusion tomorrow as well, if thats the case i will be in hospital for a few days, if everything goes ok i should be allowed at 12 hours after operation.. :cry:
Im really not looking forward to it, he said most ppl who have this operation end up going bck for a 2nd, so will see what happens, but hopefully all will be ok and i can get bck to normal

wish me luck girls... :hug:
Oh honey you've had such a terrible time recently, I hope this op is the end of your problems and you can get on with things without all this stress and worry. Good luck tomorrow hun, I will be thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no :(

I hope it all gets sorted asap and you get back to normal.

Oh hun, you've been through the lot haven't you. I hope everything goes well :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope everything goes well SSS :hug:
You should complain to that GP who refused to refer you for a scan a few days ago! :x
Grrr I've had a similar situation with a GP refusing to refer me for a scan and ended up with me having a D&C and blood transfusion too - so I know how you feel - useless doctors!
Anyway at least this is the end of it now and you can move on soon :hug:
Good luck hun - hope all goes well and is sorted out :hug:
Thanks everyone..

im gonna complain, you know what he said to me, oh we see something there, its likly to be a blood clot but listen we want to wait a week before doing anything because your not bleeding now, i was like yeah but im not bleeding because my docter gave me pills to stop it.. if i wasnt on the pills i would still be bleeding, so i said ive had enough i want the operation so i can get cleared out and start living without the worry of having any more pains, any more bleeding etc, was i wrong!

Ive got the hospital pump and i think cos im nervous about tomorrow, ive just tried pumping and only got 45 mls i did that as bailey was feeding off one side, so looks like i'll be pumping till the "cows come home" to make sure theres enough whilst i cant feed him tommorrow..
anyway, i'll text jools, so she can update if for any reason i have to stay in, but im so hoping to be home again tommorrow,

thanks speak soon xx
Yes let me know hun and I'll update for you! Hopefully though you will be home! :pray:
I'll be thinking of you!
Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:
Dont you come home till you are well and if you need a transfusion take it, it will help your bf if your blood count is good.

Take care

Best of luck hun, hopefully this will be the end to your troubles :hug:
Sorry I wasn't in this board earlier:(

I think and hope you will be out after a few hours babs :hug:
Hey everybody! :wave:

I've just had a text...

*Hiya, out of surgery, was down for 2 hours. Don't remember anything, waiting for doctr's to tell me how it went. Expecting something to have gone wrong should have only taken half hour so will see. I feel so wierd my eyes are twinkling and really bad tummy pains, I'm bleeding heavily too x*

Hope everything is ok and you are better soon :pray:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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