I hate ECVs


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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The title is pretty self explanatory. Turns out my hunch that baby won't turn was right. I swear, it felt like the consultant was re-arranging my internal organs (which in a way, she was). She tried to turn me without the muscle relaxant first, I was so nervous i went into a fit of the giggles :( Then she injected me with the relaxant, and tried again, but I STILL couldn't relax my stomach enough. But honestly, when someones is pushing down on your stomach that hard, you're not exactly going to just let them are you? Plus, I used to do self defence so....

Anyway she managed to turn the baby so it was in a more sideways position, as opposed to its head right at the top of my bump. Of course, the minute I got into the car, I felt all this twisting, and a certain little head popped up in EXACTLY the same place it was before the ECV. The little bugger had flipped itself round again :lol: :lol: :lol: So yes, very sore and a waste of time.

They want me to go back in next monday to try again, but I honestly don't know what to do. I don't want it to seem as if I'm just jumping for a caesarean that easily... but on the other hand, if they couldn't turn in this week, why should they be any more able to next week? Plus, the top and bottom of my bump (where the consultant was really digging her fingers in) is STILL really tender. Can't help feeling it's no good for baby either :( So I really don't know what to do
Oh poor you, I've heard it's not nice when they try turning them. I'd refuse a second attempt if LO popped back into his comfortable position so quickly - your not jumping at the c-section option at all, you have viable grounds and honestly if it were me I'd not have them poke/prod around me again, I often feel sore if they press too hard during a routine check up. :hug:
:hug: ouch
sorry it didn't work out for you, and I can understand why you're considering not going through it again.
babe... you poor thing, I was thinking of you wonderinng if you had gone for it or not. Sorry it was so horrible.

A c-section is not a soft option honey or an easy decision to make. Do not feel bullied into making choices or embarrassed.

You have to weigh up which you feel is best for you, giving ECV another chance and then (hate to be negative but...) spending a further 1 - 4 weeks praying and wondering whether little one will turn back and whether you will get your vaginal birth (which I assume you have your heart set on?) Or, book a c-section in week 39 and trying every trick under the sun in the mean time to get the baby to turn on its own. Some hospitals will even let you go overdue and into labour first - they call it a trial of labour so you get some feeling of what labour is like before they then perform an emergency c-section? It is meant to prepare you better if you are plannign a future child.

I never imagined I would have a ceasarean when I got pregnant, if I had my way I would be having a natural water birth, maybe even at home. But I am afraid I had to face the reality of the situation and make the best choice for me and the baby, which I honestly feel is a c-section as my local hospital do not encourage breech vaginal births and very few staff are trained in them. My babay has been breeched pretty much consistently so my gut feeling is that it is happy where it is so leave it be!

Good luck honey and PM me if you want to chat anymore as we are in the same boat :hug:
That sounds awful - I don't think I would let them try to turn the baby round again either. Personally I would just try ways to get baby to move round on their own and if it didn't work then its not meant to be. That's just me personally though - it's up to you xx
I'm sorry to read of your ECV experience not being that good. I tend to agree with some of the other ladies on here in that it seems your baby is most comfortable as he/she is. Having another attempt at turning could be a waste of time if that's the case.

I had a c-section with my first and found it was still a very positive experience and, for me and my DS at the time, the best option for us.

Don't be persuaded into having another ECV if you don't want it. Likewise, if you'd like to allow the baby another couple of weeks to turn naturally then it won't hurt to ask.

I do honestly want a natural birth, but I just don't think this baby's going to turn.
I'm going to spend the next week bouncing around on my gym ball. Also, my mum's friend,who is a herbalist, has given me some.. moxa sticks, I think they're called?...that you use for acupressure on your toes....and it encourages the baby to turn....or something :|
Then if I can manage to get the baby turned sideways a little by next monday, I'll definitly go for the ECV again, but if it's still where it is now, meaning it would need a 180 degrees turn, I'm going to have a chat with my midwife about whether it's really worth it. she's lovely, and I really trust her judgement- if she thinks I should go for ECV again i will, if not I'll just ask them to bok me in for a section... and hope that it's turned by then :|
Topbird- I really want a water birth as well. I'd know i'd feel a lot calmer and more comfortable if I could splash around during labour- anytime I'm sick or anything, I automatically want to get in the bath- guess it's the cancerian in me :D

I still can't shake off the idea that the ECV is bad for the baby though. I didn't really realise how hard she'd have to press down on my stomach..and the whole hooking-fingers-round pelvis was so strange :(

But thanks all, for your support :D :D
Its your life and your baby zebra, if you dont want another evc, then refuse it.You have to be comfortable withg whats going on.
zebrastripes said:
The title is pretty self explanatory. Turns out my hunch that baby won't turn was right. I swear, it felt like the consultant was re-arranging my internal organs (which in a way, she was). She tried to turn me without the muscle relaxant first, I was so nervous i went into a fit of the giggles :( Then she injected me with the relaxant, and tried again, but I STILL couldn't relax my stomach enough. But honestly, when someones is pushing down on your stomach that hard, you're not exactly going to just let them are you? Plus, I used to do self defence so....

Anyway she managed to turn the baby so it was in a more sideways position, as opposed to its head right at the top of my bump. Of course, the minute I got into the car, I felt all this twisting, and a certain little head popped up in EXACTLY the same place it was before the ECV. The little bugger had flipped itself round again :lol: :lol: :lol: So yes, very sore and a waste of time.

They want me to go back in next monday to try again, but I honestly don't know what to do. I don't want it to seem as if I'm just jumping for a caesarean that easily... but on the other hand, if they couldn't turn in this week, why should they be any more able to next week? Plus, the top and bottom of my bump (where the consultant was really digging her fingers in) is STILL really tender. Can't help feeling it's no good for baby either :( So I really don't know what to do

Doh!!! :doh: Only just saw this post!!!
Hope it didn't freak you out too much :? Aparently it's worse for some people and easier for others.

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