I had my early scan today :) *scan pic added*


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2008
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Hi ladies

I had my early scan today and although they have put me a few days back (6 +3) which they said might change again when i have my 12 wk scan, I saw the heartbeat :cheer: !!


Forgot how uncomfy it is when you are lying there with a full bladder and they are prodding your tummy!!

She said everything looked really good and baby had a good strong heartbeat.

The twinges and pains i have been getting are probably a combination of two things as they checked my ovaries and they are fine. So they think it is my bowel being extra sluggish and also because i had a c-section first time round it will be my scar tissue stretching.

Anyways, i am more relaxed now and hopefully going to enjoy the next 7 &1/2 months!!
Thats great glad it was good news and you saw babys heartbeat :D :hug:
Hi mummyagain

yes i feel a lot more at ease now. How did your go btw?
Hiya mine is 2moz,i read the date wrong when i read ur message first of all so i will let u know 2moz!
oooo my little pea its brilliant brilliant news!! im so pleased your feeling more relaxed about it now!! its such a lovely thing to hear the heat beat! Did your mam enjoy it as well??

Luv yr Pod xxxx
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Congrats!!!!!! it's nice to hear the heart beat, isn't it?????
Aww there's nothing better than seeing little bean for the first tinme and especially hearing the heartbeat!!
Congratulations hun! Very cute pic, doesn't seem long since our first scan, scary how quick the time passes, the little bean is fairly battering into my ribs today! :lol:
Sarah x

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