I feel Yuk!


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I feel really tired and like I have no energy at all at the moment.
I don't know if i could still be feel iffy after having that Migraine the other day?
But I feel queasy all the time (but i've still got an appetite), i'm also achy like i've done something really strenuous (which I haven't!).

I'm having real trouble getting off to sleep on a night too which probably isn't helping me.

I don't like feeling like this
i had a horrible night fri and felt yukky all sat, I'm ok today for some reason, very strange, hormones and lack of sleep are not a good combo
hope you feel better soonx
Emma58 said:
i'm also achy like i've done something really strenuous (which I haven't!).


Apart from carry a child around in your tummy!!! It is hard work, don't be so hard on yourself! It is normal for you to be very tired and achey :hug:
You have been under the weather recently, you could still be feeling the effects from your migraine, they are nasty nasty things.
Pregnancy is hard work normally and you are dealing with recovering from being ill on top of that. I know it is annoying when you want to be proactive, but just resign yourself to it and try and relax.
Have you tired having a warm (not hot) bath before bed, that always helps me to get off to sleep?
Hope you feel better soon Emma :hug: :hug:
Aww Emma you are really going through it atm :hug: :hug: :hug:

It could be the migraine taking it out of you. A migraine is not just a headache and they can be really debilitating, so it could definitely be that. Also you have a little one who will be sapping you of all your energy, your body is telling you to relax and take things easy, so that is what you MUST do :hug:
You haven't been well recently so it's no wonder you're feeling drained :hug:

My advice is to get yourself some iron supplements. You sound like I used to be before I started on this Spa Tone stuff. Yes, I know I keep banging on about it but it really has worked - random people in the village keep remarking on how much better I look this week :cheer:

Thanks girls :hug:

I'd love a warm bath before bed but, we only have a shower. I'm having a mug of warm milk or Horlicks but it seems to have stopped having the effect of helping me sleep like it used to!
I'm getting myself worked up because i find it really frustrating when I want to do odds and ends around the house but I haven't the energy.
I think it's the migraine I had still lingering though going to take it easy for the rest of the day anyway.
debecca said:
You haven't been well recently so it's no wonder you're feeling drained :hug:

My advice is to get yourself some iron supplements. You sound like I used to be before I started on this Spa Tone stuff. Yes, I know I keep banging on about it but it really has worked - random people in the village keep remarking on how much better I look this week :cheer:

Where do you get those from?
Did you get them from your GP?

I'm going to make an appointment and go get my self some - I think i need a boost.
Yep I spoke to the doctor and he saw my iron levels were low (not dangerously so, but they had dropped quite a bit from the start of pregnancy and were below "normal" levels - I was 11.3 or something. Anyway he said the symptoms I was describing sounded iron-related and I should try SpaTone cos his wife had it all through pregnancy and it sorted her out! The advntages of this stuff are that it's a mineral water type thing so you just mix it in orange juice and you can't taste it - but it's much more easily absorbed and has fewer side-effects than tablets etc.

Honestly, get thee down to thy GP and don't shift until they give you some. I'm ranting and raving but I have ENERGY to do stuff for the first time in about 8 weeks and I feel like a new person.
debecca said:
Yep I spoke to the doctor and he saw my iron levels were low (not dangerously so, but they had dropped quite a bit from the start of pregnancy and were below "normal" levels - I was 11.3 or something. Anyway he said the symptoms I was describing sounded iron-related and I should try SpaTone cos his wife had it all through pregnancy and it sorted her out! The advntages of this stuff are that it's a mineral water type thing so you just mix it in orange juice and you can't taste it - but it's much more easily absorbed and has fewer side-effects than tablets etc.

Honestly, get thee down to thy GP and don't shift until they give you some. I'm ranting and raving but I have ENERGY to do stuff for the first time in about 8 weeks and I feel like a new person.

They sound just what I need! I am going to ring the docs in morning and try *actually i'll insist* to get a same day appointment and get myself some SpaTone!
:hug: this is how i feel today totally zapped of energy and feel queasy having some ice pops now too see if that helps the sick feeling

marie x
Awwwwwwwwwww have some :hug: :hug: hope you feel better soon.
sounds like it might be worth checking out the iron levels. :D
sorry you're feeling rubbish hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

Before you get in the shower put your Jams on the radiator so they're nice and warm when you get out and sit and have your horlicks in toasty jams before bed :)


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