I feel weird??!!! UPDATE!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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hi all, hope you are all ok!

today i woke up and i hadnt felt LO move in the night and my sleep had been pretty restless (due to heartburn and frequent toilet breaks) she normally moves around early in the morning and i waited until about 11.30 ish and had alisten to her on my doppler. her heartbeat was fine and as strong as ever so it put my mind at ease but im still fretting at why she has slowed down her movements. is this normal for my stage.

also when i looked in the mirror my bump seemed quite flat at the top and a bit deflated has anyone else experienced this?

i have also got a funny sickly feelin in my tummy and pains in my legs could this be a reason why her movements have slowed down, becus i am a bit run down today.

sorry if it sounds like im moaning or fretting about nothing but i havent experienced this before and the only time i had a problem with movemets with reanna i was induced becus i had lost my waters so just feelin a bit confused.

I heard that movements are supposed to lessen towards the end of the pregnancy once baby has less space to move around in, and once they get their head down/engaged they tend to get stuck and can't move as much. Mine is still wriggling :|

But if you're worried check with your midwife. If you still have a heartbeat then that's obviously a good sign (I could never figure my doppler out), but if in any doubt then give your health ppl a call as it's better to be checked over than not :)

Hi, i had a day like this yesterday where i didnt feel much at all so got a bit worried but then today baby is very active again! But if you are worried it is best to check with midwife xx
My LO has just started being like that as well. like you i got worried so listened on the doppler and her heart is as strong as ever and she is moving about but not half as much. I'm not worried because I was expecting her movements to slow down at some point so I guess that's now. Don't worry Kim not long to go now :hug:
Mine is like that too - for the past few weeks I've been wakening up thinking that I've not felt any movement during the night. Once I get up and have some food though I get some movement again. I think it is just that there's less room to move and I'm also hoping it means that Bambi likes to sleep during the night and that's why I don't get wakened by kicks!! xx
Thanks all. she has moved around a bit more and i have also noticed that she started movin after i had a sandwich so i think maybe she is feelin tired becus my energy levels are low today due to lack of sleep and lack of apetite. i have just had my tea tho so hopefully she will liven up.

if she is still quiet tomorrow im going to give mw a ring, i think also i feel a bit abandoned becus i havent seen mw since 31 weeks and next appointment isnt until wed when im 35 weeks so its been a big gap to have a check up i think.

They do lessen and I hardly feel my baby at all now, its all small movements - shes ok they just get dead squished after a while.
HI ALL, just to let you know that she is kickin me like a trouper again this morning and i am putting yesterday down to me feelin run down and low. i had a nice surprise this morning tho, my maternity granthas been paid after 6 weeks waiting and i can now go finish my shopping yay!!

hope you are all well

Glad she is kicking you lots, my LO has quiet days but makes up for it on the other days.... :hug:

Have fun shopping :cheer:
I'm getting the silent treatment again today :shakehead:
She pops her head up now and again and shifts her self about but she's being a lazy little bugger lol :D

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