i feel so :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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i dunno why.
today i just wanna cry at everything,
i dunno if im happy with how some things are in my life atm.
theres so much...too much goin on.
eurgh i just dunno what to do! =[
:hug: If you need talk & get things off your chest we're here for you. :hug:
i will in a bit, im gunna go calm down and have a bath,
thanks guys.
Blame it on the hormones hun! Hope you feel a bit better after your bath :hug:
back from my bath, feel alittle bit better,
i dunno what it is its loads of things, i feel like theres all these things crashing down on top of me.
im not exactly happy with my relationship atm. for all sorts of reasons
ive got all this baby stuff from people like exploding my head,
i got my mum hassling me saying i aint eating enough ..all the time
im worrying about that girl at my college, and what the outcome is going to be.
i got tons of college work to do.
i feel like genuine shit,
and i feel all puffy and fat and rank
and eurgh
scream shout... do what ever where here :wink:

hope you feel beter hun :hug:
i hun
just wanted to say i know how u feel about college work
i have so much left and ive missed all the work and never have time to do it
pm me if you ever need to chat
:hug: :hug: :hug:
wel i can safely say that i feel alot better atm,
i had a nice chat with my mates and they have reassured me that things are going to be alright.
hopefully i wont feel crappy for a while.
thnks everyone :hug:

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