I feel really horrible ...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Last year DH bought me an ipod for my birthday and when i opend it there was one of those £15 top up things with it and i was really excited about downloading some new tracks. After a few days of excitment he finally told me that it wasnt mine and he wanted it back. I was really upset but he said it was for his sisters birthday. I got really angry because i had to scrape(sp?) together £10 for my little cousins birthday gift (we had discussed only spending £10 each on birthdays) and he's spent £15 on his 22yo sister!! I know its not a lot but at the time we didnt have enough money and my little cousin deserved a gift and im sure his sister was old enough to understand.

Anyways he said it was the only thing she wanted and the cheapest ones they do are £15 (so why not give her a £10 note and tell her to put £5 towards it - Derrr). Now its her birthday in 2 weeks and i havnt got her anything, iv told DH shes only getting £5 because of last year.

The annoying thing is where both as broke as each other but she tries making out as if shes right hard done to. Me and DH make sacrifices but always try and buy gifts for people. At xmas we spent over £20 on her and she didnt even buy us a card! Not only that but she actually took the gift and laughed and said "i havnt got you owt" and didnt even say thanks. Shes so selfish!!

Am i being mean this year or doing the right thing? if it was totally up to me she wouldnt get anything but deep down im really nice and love to spoil people. If she had been nice about it then it would have been a different matter altogether.

What the hell can i buy her?

(no ones here today only in TTC thats why i posted here :oops: )
i was wondering why it was in here hunni LOL

if i was you, i woudlnt buy her anything, if she cant be bothered to buy you or her own BROTHER a present then i would just get her a card.

Aww hun

:hug: :hug: to you.

One point though - I don't mean to be rude, but if money is this tight, is TTC the right thing? DH and I had to thing very carefully about TTC number 2 and we are doing pretty well at the moment...
Sorry hun, didn't mean to be a cow, but this isn't the first of your posts to do with you not having money.
i could just do that. No pressie for her, dh always make me buy the gifts and i never know what they want. :evil: Shes make me so stressed!
mrsT said:
Aww hun

:hug: :hug: to you.

One point though - I don't mean to be rude, but if money is this tight, is TTC the right thing? DH and I had to thing very carefully about TTC number 2 and we are doing pretty well at the moment...
Sorry hun, didn't mean to be a cow, but this isn't the first of your posts to do with you not having money.

nah its alright hun. It was last year that money was bad. DH was made redundent and i was suporting us on my own. But not we have a cheaper house, both working and i might be getting a promotion :pray: .
Thats why i feel really bad now. But she is so ungreatful. I know DH shouldnt have been buying me an ipod last year but he felt guilty that he wasnt working and wanted to spoil me.
I wouldn't get her anything either

my OH sister is like this too - expects expensive make up from us and gives nothing in return. :twisted:
I dont buy presents anymore apart from for very close family, everyone else i just get them a card. The reason I stopped was that it was costing me loads and I was fed up of feeling like I HAD TO buy people a gift.

It might sound really mean, but thats the way I now do things and it makes it fair if you ask me. I dont expect gifts off people for my birthday, im happy with a card! :)
Put your foot down hun, dont get her anything. If she doesnt bother then why should you!! :wink:

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