i feel like... updated!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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absolute rubbish today!

i feel sick, tired and headachy, just generally really lousy! like my body is fighting something!

still no sign of AF, think i might take a test in the morning!

how is everyone today???

hi :D

im dandy thank you.

I hope you feel better soon :hug:
awww hun hope its a sign :pray:

im ok today although i think af might be making an appearance today :roll:

hope you get your BFP soon babes :hug:
i hope it is too.... i could cope with it if it is!

ah, hun... could it be IB? there is still a chance even if she does arrive!
test test test!!! :D

hope she stays away for you darlin, keep me posted!

xxx :hug:
well, i feel a bit better today! :D

still no sign of AF!

feeling sicky and have a bit of wind!

how is everyone???

ooooh hope its your month chick!!! when you gonna test? :pray:
im ok thanks, just scared as im going to see my manager in a bit about a payrise :pray: :hug:
Morning Chloe123 - have you tested this monring or waiting to see if AF makes an apperance? How many days late are you?

Lets hope this is a BFP - we haven't had one for a least a week so think we are due one soon!
what was the result hun?

i think af will show today, the mood i am in is absolutely foul and i felt really down last night, hormones all over.....
hey, well im 4 days late now!

i think im gona wait till sunday or monday if af is still away!
im going away for a few days at the weekend, so hopefully it will take my mind off it! lol!

miss gobby.... how did you get on??? :D

good luck rachie29... hope she stays away!

bring on our BFP's!!!

5 days late!!!..... and im feeling weird!
my legs are all light and floppy, like they wona give way! im all drained!

i am also really tired! slept for 9hrs solid last nite, woke up and i could still go back to bed!!! my nipples hurt and i feel sick again!

how is everyone today?

Morning - sorry to hear you aren't feeling to well - lets hope this is a possitive thing.

When are you going to test? Are you waiting till the weekend?
Sorry you are feel crappy.

I say test test test.

Fingers crossed for you.
thanks girlies!!!

na, im gona wait till the weekend to test, just incase its just af playing tricks on me!!! well, probs wont be till tuesday if she stays away... coz im away till then! at least it will take my mind off it!

i so hope these signs are pg and not af!!!


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