I cant hide under another name....


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Hi there
As many of you guessed I posted under another name and thought thats stupid I should just be myself.

My hubby has been an arse lately,and finally I hear why :wall:

He was scared that I would miscarry again and wanted to distance himself emotionally but didnt realise the stress he was causing me. He has apologised profusely (all this without me even talking to him yet...)and said he will try his best at everything. Has one of you lot secretly rang him up or done a spell,I thought I was the only white witch round here,lol.

Anyway I am a lot happier now and feel like I have got my old hubby back and as for he MIL well...couldnt say too rude :oops:

Thanks guy's
Hun my OH is the same - He makes me so MAD but for same reason!

im glad he has opend up to you hun, hopefuly now he will help out more and you can relax :)

So glad he's opened up to you hun!
Graham did the same when i got my bfp in january... he distanced himself so so far away, i felt so alone and like he wasn't trying so i know what you mean!

Glad you managed to have a chat with him hun

Am so pleased that he opened up Bex! See told you that he was a softie under that tough nut image ;)

:hug: Am glad things are sorted :hug:
Hey Bex

Glad your OH has seen how much he hurt you. I can understand him being scared, my DH can be the same. Gets all business-like when emotions are involved. I love him dearly though, and he's gonna be a good dad one day. I'm sure yours has already proved himself to be that, and will do again. Hope you have a lovely weekend now that he's admitted his problem!

And as for MILs....well, I just never know where I stand with my DH and his Mother. Sometimes he's really rude about her & can't stand her, then I join in and he goes all "ooh no, don't say that about my family" :shock: "my mum loves you " is always his killer line! Pfft men and their mothers huh?!
hun am so glad its all sorted for you xxxxx
so glad you feeling a little better bexxie, remember as well that you going to be more sensitve around this time as your hormones are all over the place so even more reason why you DH should be more aware of you feelings. its definitely good to talk and get it out in the open and men aren't always the best at that are they? :hug:

Glad all is better now :hug: at least hes oping up to you now
Hi Bexxie, so glad that you have worked everything out with your hubby (or rather her has worked it out for himself), i hope you are now receiving all the love and support you deserve.

Much love x :hug:
:hug: glad alls well.. sometimes men need to distance themselves to return supportive and loving.. u should read men are from mars women are from venus coz it explains it ALL!! i read it and was amazed how right it was!! Its something for ur OH/DH to read too! Its half for men and half for women! Best thing i ever did in my relationship! Its control over the situation.!
Glad things are going good for you again babe :hug: xx

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