I can't eat nothing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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:( I can't imagine eating anything I feel so sick but it's getting me down, I know id be able eat if I wasn't bad but i'm pregnant...I need to eat! I don't know what to do, if I eat anything I will be :puke: :(
Can't help because I haven't suffered actualyl sickness just nausea - but could you try something dry like crackers or dry toast? Just a thought

Hope you feel better soon. :hug:
I'm really sorry you're feeling so ill. :hug: Try not to worry too much though as in the 1st Tri the baby will get everything it needs from your stores. It's quite common in fact for pregnant women to lose weight during this time, but it will not harm the baby. Just make sure you are keeping up your fluid intake.

From 2-6 weeks I completely lost my appetite and survived on nothing but a few crackers and toast - I felt so ill I thought I would never desire food again. But about a week ago my appetite came back big time. I've still go pretty bad MS, but it's becoming more manageable and eating definitely helps now.

It might not feel like it now, but you will feel better soon. :hug:
All I want at the moment is bland foods and just munched a load of crackers down which tasted like heaven!!
I've only suffered from nausea too but I'm sure crackers or ginger biscuits or rich tea/digestives would be ok as they're very plain.
Is there anything AT ALL you think you could eat?

Whatever it is, good or not, eat it :hug:
i was the same hun but i made myself eat just cos i felt worse if i was hungry. :hug:
I managed about 8 chips and 1/3 of a burger from a big mac meal but the banana milkshake really agreed with me ...yum :cheer: It's a start I guess! :)
:cheer: glad you been able to stomach something :hug:

i would have thought milkshake would have been the worst thing but whatever works eh!
Oh Jade you poor thing! Glad you held onto that milkshake :)
The milkshake worked a treat, if it was any other flavour I probably would have been sick but banana did it for me lol!

I have just been lying on the sofa trying to sleep and felt really hungy, I know it's all really crappy junk food i'm eating but I just warmed one of those princes microwave pot things up and managed to eat that! :pray: this is a sign i'm getting better :roll: I hope I can go back to propper meals and propper food soon though... :roll:
I know the feeling, chick... my morning sickness is pretty wicked at the moment too. The only suggestion I can make is to always keep something on your stomach, even if it's just a tiny bit of dry toast or a plain biscuit. The nausea tends to feel worse for me when my stomach is completely empty. If there is anything you fancy, even if it's not particularly healthy I would get it as it's better to eat something than nothing.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Tuc crackers with clover and cheese are the way forward :angel: Hallelujah praise the tucs! :cheer:
Becc said:
I know the feeling, chick... my morning sickness is pretty wicked at the moment too. The only suggestion I can make is to always keep something on your stomach, even if it's just a tiny bit of dry toast or a plain biscuit. The nausea tends to feel worse for me when my stomach is completely empty. If there is anything you fancy, even if it's not particularly healthy I would get it as it's better to eat something than nothing.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

Thank you, I think I am going have to live on crackers for now, glad I have found something :cheer: Oh they are so yummy too I cant get enough!
hhmmmmmmm...i know how you feel! Why does MS happen all day?!!!!!!!!! It tends to be bad nausea more than actually being sick for me, but its there all day as well as feeling drained, tired and al round crap!!! I waited so long to be PG and now, i feel so poo i cant feel very excited at the mo. Anyone feel the same?
Yeah it was an all day thing for me too and hard to get exited about the pregnancy over the urge of wanting to rev everywhere :puke: nice! I'm better now though, Had a nice curry for my tea last night and just managed 2 cheese oatcakes (dont know if you know what them are?...the staffordshire ones?) but I feel so much better! Come out in a HUGE coldsore though :( :cry: horrible thing!
I cant stop eating!

I was 7.10 when I weighed myself the other day - I have put 10 pounds on already uh ohh :(
Dont stop me nowwwwww...i'm having such a good time i'm having...............

My dinner! :cheer: I can eat normally again! whahu!

Must have been a mixture of m/s and bug but who cares im cured, cured I tell you!!! :cheer: :clap: :dance:

Now what's for afters? :lol:

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