I am so weary of this damn cough


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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Im up again. I cant stop coughing, its been going all night (plus the last 4 days). I looked on the nhs24 website and i now know there is no point going to the docs as it says they wont prescribe antibiotics for a cough.

It did suggest piriton though. Thats about the only thing I havent tried.

i am so tired I could cry, joe has just been up again for a feed. He hasnt eaten in days but has taken on the feeding timetable of a newborn, seriously, milk every 4 hours. He is really ill though, chest infection, eye infection and this horrible cold.

I cant wait till we are all better.
Have you tried some Vicks Vapa rub? I had a really bad couth for about 2 months last year and it was the only thing that eased it, except for constant spoons of honey. Goose fat and a warm flannal is good too. :hug:
i dont think you can take pirotin if your breastfeeding dunno if you are :) hope its better soon xxx
ive had a cough / cold for over a week now im im getting sooooo p*ssed off with it :evil:

Not much i can take while preggers so ive just ben putting up with it :x Poor old OH hasnt been able to sleep in the same room as me for 5 nights cos i cough all night, he's been on the sofa :cry:
oh hun :hug: you poor cow. Hope you feel better soon. Is there nobody who can come and look after LO for a bit while you try and sleep?

Try sleeping upright too if you haven't already. Whenever Isaac has a cold I put a pillow under his mattress so he's not laying flat and I prop my pillows up too. I also put a karvol capsule on a sock and put it on Isaac's radiator in his room to help him breathe. I've used them myself too when I've been really bunged up.

Might help :hug:
Thanks for your replies guys, the piriton didnt really work that well, I just feel out of it just now but not enough to sleep.

Im not breastfeeding so in theory dh could do it but if im awake anyway I just do it, dh doesnt hear them as well as I do. I have baby radar :roll:

Im trying to sleep sitting up, im on the couch at night now as though dh says its not bothering him I dont see how it cant be.

Im going to get the vapour rub and try it. I wil get the karvol too though I tend to turn the heating right off after bath time so nobody is getting congested with it.

Mum is coming shortly to get Jessicas so she can take her to nursery and hopefully Joe will go for a lovely long nap at 12. Fingers crossed :wink:
lauramumof2 said:
Thanks for your replies guys, the piriton didnt really work that well, I just feel out of it just now but not enough to sleep.

Im not breastfeeding so in theory dh could do it but if im awake anyway I just do it, dh doesnt hear them as well as I do. I have baby radar :roll:

Im trying to sleep sitting up, im on the couch at night now as though dh says its not bothering him I dont see how it cant be.

Im going to get the vapour rub and try it. I wil get the karvol too though I tend to turn the heating right off after bath time so nobody is getting congested with it.

Mum is coming shortly to get Jessicas so she can take her to nursery and hopefully Joe will go for a lovely long nap at 12. Fingers crossed :wink:

The karvol doesn't have to go on the radiator, its just something I do. You can put it on their bedding too but I don't like the thought of Isaac having skin contact with it, its pretty strong stuff.

I hope you have a better night tonight :hug:

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