I am so happy, best news ever!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Best news ever!!!!!!

I have a nearly 5 month old grandson, (I think I am the only expectant granny on here!! :rotfl: ).......he was born with a condition called Hirshsprungs disease, it is a problem with the intestines and bowels, and meant that he could not poo on his own.

Anyway, last Thursday little Ty (grandson) spent an epic 71/2 hours in surgery at Birminghams Children Hospital, having an op to try and correct the problem.

We have been waiting waiting waiting alll weekend for Ty to poo, he has let wind which was a good sign.....

Guess what....my daughter has rang me this morning to tell me that little Ty has had a small poo!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Was I ever ever so glad to hear the poo news, :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Ty is officially on the mend. :cheer: :cheer:

Sorry for long post, just really happy :cheer: :cheer:

(Havent mentioned this before as I dont want to scare any expectant mums out there about this condition as we all have enough to worry about!!!! And its a pretty rare condition anyway)
Bless his little heart - he'll be embarrassed when he is 18 and finds out his family celebrated his first poo! lol. In all seriousness, it is fantastic news. I am glad he is on the mend, what a fighter!!!!!
Thanks all, you are all so kind.

My daughter has just rang me again, and Ty has done a big mega poo just as the consultant was doing his rounds :cheer:

They have told my daughter that Ty could be released today which is fab as we were told he would be in for at least 10 days, its only been since last Thursday.

I feel dizzy with relief and happiness, :D
Ty has been discharged, and is now at home :cheer:

Thanks for all the kind wishes :hug:
Thats fantastic news!!!

And im wishing my daughter would stop pooing :rotfl:
:D Yah for Ty glad his doing well must have been a worrying time.

marie x

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