I am gutted....


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hi all,

Well i get married at end of May and yesterday my mum told me she doesnt feel involved in anything and just feels like an ordinary guest....in amongst tears and me trying to tell her i do want her involved.

Granted the only things i have done is book the venue, do the invitations and order the me wedding dress all the other bits are booked but no details done if you know what i mean. Thing is a while ago when i was going for the wedding dress i have tried to involve her and she said no so yesterday when i went to the venue to finalise details i didnt ask her i know i should have becuase i didnt think she wanted to come.

SHe hasnt been enthusiastic about anything to do with the wedding so i had kind of given up and it got to the [point where OH didnt think she liked him!

I am so upset, so she is coming round tonight to talk things through i have made a huge list of things i need to do etc....has anyone got any ideas for how to get her more involved or what to say tonight????
There must be loads she can do. Invitations need to be composed ordered and printed, place names for the tables, balloons, flowers, centre pieces for the tables, gifts for bridesmaids and page boys, confetti needs to be bought etc etc....Ok so you might not want her actually choosing any of them things but you could involve her in choosing them and then she can be in charge of ordering them. You could also arrange a nice day to go shopping with her to chose her outfit, make a day of it and have some lunch :D
Yeah i deffo want to help her choose her outfit. i am going to tell her to look on confetti website and i will give her my list see what she can do.

She just said she doesnt feel like she deserves to be on the top table because she hasnt done anything. I have tried though! i was gutted she never came wedding dress shopping. but i still have 2 fittings she can come to.

its not too late to salvage her involvement is it??
Nah she'll come round I'm sure. Just make a fuss of her and she will feel like you want her to be involved. She's probably just nervous and a bit sad that her little girl is getting married. I know its going to break my heart when Isaac gets married and he's only 2 :lol: I can't even cope with the thought of him going to school and being away from me all day :roll:

Good luck with everything :hug:
Thanks chick, i know what u mean i am just looking at nurseries :cry:
Yeah its horrible isn't it :( But I know Isaac will have such a good time at school being with other children all day instead of at home with me bored. Hope you find a great nursery, netmums website can help finding nurseries and schools :D
:hug: Oh Amz, she will come round, especially now you have spoken about it, and there is still plenty of time left for her to get involved! Either that or you can borrow my mom because she has completely taken over my wedding day, and I am starting to feel like i'm not even the one with any say!! :roll:
I've just had so much on the past few months with OH i even needed a kick up the arse in January from my sister and she kind of started thinking about things then. I wish i just asked my mum for help, i never ask anyone for help ever i always wait for them to offer - do you know what i mean.

I know i'm the same, only problem is when I don't say anything, my mom just kind of pushes herself on you so I have the opposite problem! Have you thought about taking your mom to a wedding fayre, there are loads about, me and my mom have been to about 10! It really helps you to get in the mood for some serious planning!

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