

New Member
Oct 14, 2015
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Any ladies out there that have had hyperemesis, when did you finally start to feel a bit of releif? I'm 12.2 weeks and feeling worse than ever :x any hope of it getting better soon or is it just wishful thinking?
I've suffered hyperemyesis in 2 pregnancies and this will be my 3rd. I was able to come off anti sickness meds at 14wks with my first but felt sicky til 19wks. With my 2nd I was on meds til around 22wks when I started to feel a bit better. I'm only 7wks at the mo and on ondansetron but still feel nauseous all day but I'm able to eat something now.

I hope it eases up for you soon as it is just awful xx
It is a totally individual thing - I had it the whole way through, was in hospital at 10 week and got the anti sickness drugs and then took them until the day I gave birth. But it was less bad as time went on and I needed less drugs.

Have you got medication?
I'm on ondasetron too, and it has been helping with the amount of sickness. I've already had to go to hospital 5 times for rehydration, I'm really hoping I don't have to go back again.
It's so horrible, I'm feel for anyone that has to go through it, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
At least we're not alone I guess haha :oooo: xx
Mine was at its worst at 12weeks. At about 15 weeks I mostly stopped being sick and it was all gone at about 17weeks.
Bless you hun I really feel for you I had my daughter 14 months ago and started being sick at 6 weeks and went to hospital at 10 for drugs and rehydration. Mine eased at 24 weeks and was gone by 7 months. I know it seems like the worst thing ever and it is. But you will get through it I remember lying in the bath until the water went cold as it was the only place where I wasn't sick I remember thinking I will never do this again I can't go through this again ans everyday seemed dragged. My sympathies are with you. I have just found out I'm prefnant with no 2 it was not planned and I'm so scared that it will kick in again but just stay strong massibe hugs xxx
It wasn't nearly as bad for me the second time around. Still pretty miserable but I was able to get up and get breakfast for DD etc. I was usually sick after but not constantly. My first pregnancy I spent two weeks lying down trying very hard not to move my head. I kept expecting it to get worse the second time but by 12 weeks I was actually feeling a it better rather than worse. This time I'm only six weeks so early days but have only had passing nausia so far compaired to throwing up at 4 weeks last time so hoping I'm going to get off lighter. It really is awful. For me it was 100x worse than labour.
I'm been sick at least twice a day. Usually after 4, if I eat anything after 4 it comes back up undigested (sorry for tmi) after I've been sick food,liquid comes up, then yellow bile. Last night I had a tiny bit of blood in my sick. Trying not to worry, but I have NO energy to do anything. Hope you get better, this is my first and I'm 10+1 xx
I had blood in my sick. With me it was just the skin at the back of my throat that got burned raw from all the acid. It made my throat sore too.
Yeah I find it very acidic too BunnyN absolutely awful and burny!
I found it was a million times worse if I had anything remotely acidic! Im currently on ondansetron but am trying to only take once a day so being sick 6 times before 10 when I take it then I am just nauseous. Mine stopped with my first at 20 weeks x
18 Weeks it was for me
But like the flick of a switch i could eat again!
28 weeks BUT it was much better from about 16/18 weeks (ie I could get out of bed and eat more flavoursome food!)

Just a bit of an update I went to see my Dr yest (actually got a temp who was brilliant and actually spent time to explain things to me) found out of got another UTI (2nd one this tri) and also got some sickness tablets (seem to be working so far) got to go back next Monday for bloods as he's worried I MAY end up with HG but currently showing no signs of ketones which is good news I suppose.

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