Hyperactive or normal?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Not sure where to post this, so I've put it here.

My baby is 7 months, and I don't know if her levels of activity are normal. When I go to baby group all of the other babies sit there on their mum's laps playing happily with a toy or quietly having a bottle. Mine sits there waving her arms around and squealing more or less the whole time. The other mum's love her because they can be sure of getting her to giggle hysterically with very little effort. When she is put on the floor in a sitting position she either bounces on her bottom waving her arms or is currently frantically trying to crawl. She wants to grab everything, all the time - 'oooh, phone! Oooh, paper! Oooh, laptop! Oooh, biscuit!' Anything that comes within reach is picked up, waved around and then thrown across the room.

Now a lot of people will be thinking 'all babies do that.' But mine manages to keep this up from 5am to 7pm with only 2 half hour to an hour naps in between. I try putting her down to play quietly, she just doesn't do quietly. The amount of energy she has is seemingly endless.

As I said, compared to the small number of other babies I know, she is absolutely over the top. But is she just the most hyper of a small group, or does she sound completely nutty to you?

BTW OH was hyperactive as a child. Apparently his mum would put him out in the garden where he would just run round screaming for hours at a time just to release pent up energy.
Austin went through a stage where he was active from waking until bed time and dropped his naps too. The thing is he started crawling at just over 5 months, and was pulling himself up & cruising along the furniture at 7 months so he used a lot of energy that way.

It's exhausting but it will get better, Austin has calmed down quite a bit now and usually has a 1 1/2 hour nap at around lunch time.

Once your daughter is moving around she'll burn off her extra energy & hopefully calm down a bit :hug:
its normal hun Hannah has never been still if her eyes are open she is on the move and always has been, i only said the same to my mum the other day that when i went to play group other kids would sit there and hannah is running round like a mad woman but she has always been forward for her age and i think thats part of it, just be proud you have a baby with her own mind already :hug:
All normal! Wait until the naps stop! :rotfl: Mine two year old is very happy just sit down and listen to a book, very chilled, I can already tell my next one is totally different, already won't stop moving and not even here yet!
She might be one of the more active ones...I can't say Tia sat and ever played quietly...no I lie... she would play quietly IF she was doing something wrong :rotfl: Tia took her first steps at 8 months and had mastered climbing by 11... nothing was safe...anything she could get her hands on she would...and by 10 months she never slept during the day..my HV said I had to make her sleep... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I've had people say that Tia probably has ADHD...but shes just a normal kid with boundless energy...which is now funneled into her amazing ability to talk solidly for 3 hours without requiring oxygen or a pause...

I like my mums explanation...they need twice as much energy because they are so intelligent they need to learn twice as much.. :hug:
My 2 girls are always on the go. Nathans a bit more chilled out and will spend 30 minutes quite happily waving a sock around or watching the washing machine. Aimee just runs everywhere, climbs on anything and is always bouncing around. My eldest still does it and she almost 8! She talks non stop and can't keep still, always bouncing of the furniture and walls :roll:

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