Hygiene awareness

andreag said:
I think I read somewhere you are 20 times more llikely to get food poisoning when you are pregnant!

Is that because we eat 20 times more food than people who aren't PG?? :rotfl:

I've had 3 tummy bugs so far this pregnancy - one was so bad I was convinced it was food poisoning, however had my 'sample' tested and it came back as a common virus. I think I keep catching this stuff from Maddie. I am very hygiene conscious and always wash my hands, but there have been a lot of tummy bugs around and I agree you're more susceptible when PG when your immune system takes a bit of a nose dive.

Re. rice, found some useful info.....

Here is some info on it: -
Problems with rice
The main risk with cooked rice is from the food poisoning bacteria called Bacillus cereus. The bacteria forms a hard outer coating called a spore. This spore protects the bacteria from heat. If the rice is then cold slowly the spore will germinate producing more bacteria. These bacteria produce poisons or toxins. Re-heating the rice will destroy some of the bacteria but they will level behind their toxins which are not damaged by heat. These toxins cause illness.

Simple guidelines for the preparation and cooking of rice
Wash the rice before cooking
Use clean and disinfected equipment
Keep cooked and uncooked rice in separate containers
Never use hands to break up clumps of rice
Cook in small quantities as near to time of service as possible

Cool cooked rice quickly before putting in a fridge
Cool rice under cold running water and let drain properly
Keep cold cooked rice below 5 degrees centigrade
Ensure uncooked rice is kept clean and dry
Take care with stock rotation

Cooking and service
Keep hot rice above 63 degrees centigrade
Do not reheat cooked rice
Do not use left overs

Hope that helps!

Hope you're OK now Gemma.

Gemma - eeeeuw! The trots for a whole week you poor thing!! :shock: Hope all went well at the docs let us know how you got on x

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