Hygiene awareness


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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Don't wanna sound like a preacher but I've just got over the worst bout of food poisoning I've ever had in my life and thought I was dying!
Went out to a posh restaurant for my birthday three nights ago and within two hours of going to bed that night woke up to be sick. Then proceeded seven straight hours of non stop violent sickness and diarhoeah (SP?) :puke: :puke: :puke: I've never felt so ill in my life and was really concerned about bump. :( Ended up on a drip for two hours to get rehydrated to ensure baby wasn't affected. Then took another whole day to recover just felt like I'd been run over.
Just wanted to say be really careful with hand washing and preparing food, I'm sure it affected me worse cos of being pregnant and the faster blood flow etc. You can't be too careful. As soon as I was better I went out and bought new supplies of kitchen cloths, bleach, disinfectant etc and have now become obsessed!!! Just please be careful we gotta look after ourselves and our bumps! :)
We're also much more susceptible anyhow to tummy bugs being pregnant. They're not nice are they? I couldn't be washing my hands anymore, but I've still had 2, I think sometimes it's just one of those things. Glad you're feeling better
I think I read somewhere you are 20 times more llikely to get food poisoning when you are pregnant!
aw, poor you! we're all getting ill! i should be low-risk coz i dont eat meat, but i'll even wash fruit thoroughly now, to be on safe side. glad ur over worst of it x
trixipaws said:
aw, poor you! we're all getting ill! i should be low-risk coz i dont eat meat, but i'll even wash fruit thoroughly now, to be on safe side. glad ur over worst of it x

Not strictly true...

Salad (not washed properly) and especially coleslaw (homemade with fresh mayo) can be a good source of food poisoning, and not forgetting rice which harbours one of the most dangerous types of food poisoning!
wow - I had no idea we are 20 times more likely to GET food poisoning, I just thought it was more dangerous if we got it....... !
Hellokitty said:
trixipaws said:
aw, poor you! we're all getting ill! i should be low-risk coz i dont eat meat, but i'll even wash fruit thoroughly now, to be on safe side. glad ur over worst of it x

Not strictly true...

Salad (not washed properly) and especially coleslaw (homemade with fresh mayo) can be a good source of food poisoning, and not forgetting rice which harbours one of the most dangerous types of food poisoning!

rice? really?! eek! i eat lots of rice! i never heard of that. how do i avoid that?
Yes, I was thinking hmmm I've been vegan for hmmmmm most of the last 20 years now, and I've still had 2 nasty tummy bugs with being pregnant lol. Rice is fine when boiled normally, it's just when it's re-heated that you have to be more vigilant. So if you have fried rice or re-heated rice make sure it's steaming hot and has been heated for some time. Also, don't store it for very long, ie not much more than a day, unless you freeze it. Bean sprout can be just as bad, it's just really a matter of making sure food is re-heated thoroughly, and fruit, veges and hands a re all well- washed too. Even if you do get a bug, it will probably only last for a couple of days or so, so the best to then is not panic but just rest up and take in as many fluids as you can.
Gosh 20 times more susceptible thats kinda scary! :shock:
I don't know if I'll ever eat chicken again......
and now my hands are covered in excema from washing my hands about 40 times a day with antibacterial soap!!
cooked and then reheated rice is one of the most likely ways of catching listeria - so like gingerpig says - you have to be very careful with it.

I never even used to wash fruit - which is bad and I pick stuff direct from our allotment and eat it (raspberries, peas etc...) so will really have to alter my habits!
Sorry to hear you were so unwell OvertheMoon. :hug: Hope you are feeling a bit stronger now.

I try to be really cautious with food now I'm pregnant. It's very easy to get even a small tummy bug.

I carry a pocket size bottle of alcohol gel in my bag at all times. I am not obsessive but if I ever feel my hands are dirty I give them a quick rinse. I've found it's very handy even when out shopping.

One of the safest things to do with rice is this...If you are cooking it and either serving it cold, or using it later, rinse it with cold water thoroughly before storing it.

Generally don't reheat rice (I know we all do it) but probably best not too because...

If rice is left to cool off on its own, or is held at a constant warm temp for too long, a bacterium called B. Cereus can release a toxin which causes serious vomiting and diahorrea if ingested.

The toxins are NOT destroyed by any amount of reheating.
Oooo that's interesting I always thought it was the reheating that killed the harmful bacteria, but I've just checked what you wrote, and apparently it's leaving rice at room temperature for too long that can cause the bacteria to grow, which then cannot be killed off by heat as you say. Good to know, thanks for that!
I knew there was a reason why I did that microbiology degree! :lol:

Wow hun glad your better now.
Scary that its that high of a chance to get it
Hellokitty said:
I knew there was a reason why I did that microbiology degree! :lol:

That sounds so cool! Where did you study? Sounds like you were a good student!
gingerpig said:
Hellokitty said:
I knew there was a reason why I did that microbiology degree! :lol:

That sounds so cool! Where did you study? Sounds like you were a good student!

It one of the few things I still remember , lol. I studied at University of Surrey in Guildford.

I never actually used the degree as I went straight back into theatre nursing after I graduated. But I did have a laugh and I met my husband there!

Although I've been a tattooist for the last five and a half years!

(I change my mind alot!) :rotfl:
Sounds like needles of one sort or another have been a consistent feature lol. Good to have a range of interests/jobs though, you always use what information you pick up, it's never wasted.
Hey girls, ive had diarrhea for a week now so im very happy to read your posts and know that its a common thing to get tummy bugs, im better today but going the doctors at 1.30pm today just want to check everythings ok! x :D

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