Hungry Baby- SMA White to the Rescue?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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My mum looked after E last night and said she doesn't think it's refulx thats making her sick as I was exactly the same as a baby and it was cause I was greedy!

Evie is now draining a 6oz bottle (she could have more!) in little over 10 minutes. I've replaced the teats on her bottles so the flow is the slowest it can be but we think she might just be taking the milk too quick which is why she is bringing it back again.

She probably brings back a good oz-2oz every bottle and is now having a bottle evry 3 hours rather than 5 :wall: :wall:

My mum has suggested I switch her from SMA gold to SMA white as not only is it thicker (therefore she'll take it slower) but it shuld also satisfy her more :think:

Opinions from Mummies who've been there pleae! :lol:
I don't have any experience of formula but I think that feeding every 3 hours at her age is fine, both mine were feeding that often or more when they were under 2 months.
I was tempted to do the same but didn't. Haven't done it myself because my mum used it on me as a baby and I got badly constipated (though that was ages ago), my cousin did the same recently and it made her little one constipated. My health visitor also advised against it for the same reason and said if she's content on SMA gold, keep her on it.

Chances are if she's demanding more feeds she needs more feeds, could be a growth spurt. My Becky is still on 3 hourly feeds during the day (but not at night oddly enough, she goes from 9pm-3 or 4am and then till 7ish). As mentioned on another thread, all the SMA white is doing is making your LO feel full - if she's suddenly jumped back to 3 hourly feeds, she probably needs them.

Maybe see what your own HV thinks?
5 hours seems a long time to go between feeds. I'd stick to the gold and feed her more regularly. I think James was going about 3 hours between bottles at that age on sma gold
Are you using the Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles? If so, Phoebe did exactly the same. I think the flow was still a bit fast for her. She'd easily gulp down a whole bottle. This, combined with the fact that they made her wind even worse made her projectile vomit.

I tried her with one again a week or so back, and same happened again.

I'd be tempted to just try a different bottle with a slower flow teat? The Dr Browns teats are pretty slow. Someone else might know of others that are slower than the CTN ones.

Can you ring the SMA helpline also? Someone I speak to on netmums said they rang them about the White milk, and they said her baby was too young and to hold off on giving him it.

Phoebe pretty much always feeds every 3 hours during the day :hug: :hug:
PS I'm sure Phoebs had a growth spurt around 8 weeksish. That might also be why she's taking milk more often :hug:
My porkey piglet will take about 5oz every 2ish hours, I cant get any more in him to make him go longer.. from birth he was feeding 3 hourly, so I guess hes having a growth spurt at 8 weeks now, and needs more food.

Like you I thought about changing milk, but, i'll just let him feed more offten and hope it settles down.
3 hours is about right for her age, I wouldn't switch her milk unless you really have to as it can affect theirs tums.

However I had to change harry onto cow and gate comfort as he was being sick all the time too
My lo has reflux and we use SMA White.

I never noticed any difference in the sickness when I changed to the white but I have to say that changing to a slow flow teat made a slight difference and I found that not making the milk as warm helped a bit too. x
Ella was the same, we use Aptamil and Tommee Tippee CTN bottles. We put it down to her guzzling the milk too fast, we didn't find an actual cause for it. The HV didn't seem too concerned.
Evie sounds like she enjoys her food! El doesn't even finish a 6oz bottle very often, and she goes 4 hours + between feeds! But at Evie's age she was bang on every 3 hours.
at this age their tummies are tiny and can only hold a certain amount of milk.Perhaps feeding her smaller amounts more often would be better???
Caelan used to go every hour and a half wanting a feed when he was on the normal cow and gate milk. I then switched to cow and gate hungry baby and he now goes two and a half to three hours.

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