
Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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I am so angry right now and Im sure there are plenty of you out there who have had this happen

Some filthy barstuard let their dog crap on the pavement right outside Jakes nursery. When I was getting him into the car I thought we'd managed to avoid it- but hadnt! We both got it on the bottom of out shoes but what was worse- as I was picking Jake up to put him in his car seat his shoes brushed against my coat. My brand new coat :evil: :evil: :evil:

If I could find out who it was I would go round there with a few of Jakes nappies, see how they like it. Filthy scum :evil: :evil: :evil:
:evil: I hate people that do this!!! people don't seem to realise that kids are walking about and it's so filthy!!!! :roll:

slightly off topic....we were in tesco at the weekend and saw a couple BLATANTLY getting in their car eating crisps, they were in a parent& child spot, and no child or even a car seat!!!! :evil: AND saw some woman drive out of a disabled space who didnt have a badge or anything.

Ya can just tell that nearer to xmas its gonna get worse :shakehead:
I hate dog shit... it is the most disgusting thing in the world. If I saw someone not picking up their dog's poo I'd pick it up myself (in a nappy sack which I always have in my bag) and I'd personally take the shit to them.

We look after MIL's dog when they go on holiday and I always pick up the poo... it's downright dirty and disgusting to leave it lying about on the public footpath :twisted:
:puke: i hope you managed to get everything clean

i have 2 labradorsand we always pick up when we take them out.its disgusting and irresponsible not to.we live next to a field/woods etc where people walk their dogs and you can always tell the responsible owners who actually come back off the field with a bag in tow :rotfl:

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